
I've never seen The Wire*, so I don't feel super-confident about answering that.
A cursory Google says yes, though.
Also, James Ransone was the guy who strangled/pleasured himself in Ken Park, right?
Again, Google agrees.
*I know, OH MAH GAHHH, watch it right now this second!

I'm not going to Psyche! I hear it's worse than SHU!

I cannot and will not lose Bunheads, Happy Endings and B23 in one year.
Fuckin' ABC…

Ahhh, thanks for playing - it's a good one, but we were also looking for some kind of sexual innuendo to be in there.
But you go away with a lovely AV Club clock, so you won't leave here empty handed - can't buy these in the shops, they're one of a kind!
Have you had a good day with us?
Goooood good.

#MasTyBayting - granted, that one was a bit of stretch and doesn't even work given that it was a two person thing.
I'm, uh — I'm done now…

It was one of those things where you knew they had to make a Hey Jude joke at some point.
You have to admire their restraint, really. 
Took them a fair few episodes.

There's no Six Feet Under in your list.
There should be.

Weren't they just?
I so hope they don't screw up whatever they're doing with him - I doubt they will, though.
I actually enjoyed The Fosters more than Switched at Birth this week.

I always end up catching the last couple minutes of 90210 in the morning and saw him playing someone sinister, with an awful English accent.
'Cause if you're one, you're going to be the other.
It does make me wonder about what they're going to do with Jace, 'cause they have to be going somewhere with his ominous blog,

I kinda thought they'd do the old 'Bay splits with Ty, starts hanging out more with Emmett and then he finds out she did what with Ty?!' and there's a whole angst-filled episode right there.

That was seriously my favourite thing ever.
I've started to just see John as starring in some kind of competition show that runs adjacent to this one where the aim is to be simultaneously incredulous and angry at everything.
He's winning so far, so good for him.

No, I kind of thought they probably weren't, but I just found it odd that they both have pretty much the same fairly unique face.
Maybe he's a clone. 
Maybe Tatiana Maslany is actually both of them.

Ha, I said the same thing somewhere around here.
It's really not a densely plotted show at all, which is like 90% of its charm. The characters are allowed to breathe. And talk incessantly.

Eventually, it'll have a sort-of-spinoff in the same format:

She really does! Kind of a Katy Perry/Julia from Parenthood hybrid.

I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think pornstache guard has turned me straight.

Pow, straight to the moon?

I've actually just Googled Chris Eigeman (dirty!) and you know what? He seems to only be attractive with facial hair.
Without it, he kind of looks like a paedophile and he also dresses really slobbily.
I guess out of a process of elimination, he has to die.

Eurgh, really?
Even taking away his character, David Sutcliffe has such a punchable face.
Really smarmy and smug and just… ugh.

I agree that Dean is the worst, but I don't like Jess in the basket bidding scene.
The only time he's okay in season 2 is pretty much when he's around Rory and not trying to be James Dean.