
Oh, I like stubbly scruff plenty, I just don't think Scott Patterson is attractive at all.

I kept scrolling waiting for the end of the quotes and it just didn't come!
That's pretty much a transcription. 
Then again, they're some good quotes.

I'd say F Digger - I like a beardy gentleman - and K Christopher, obviously. 
I guess I could M Luke; he'd be handy round the house, at least? 
It would definitely be an F-less marriage, though.

Oh, of course.

I know, it's stupid. Pretty much the whole reason that the show is great is that it's character-driven instead of plot-driven.

Yes to this.

I dunno, I think she's meant to be a villain as far as this show goes.
Not quite Huntzbergarian, but still pretty bad.

Forget it Larry, my friend - it's Simstown.

…did this review completely miss out Lorelai and Luke's quasi-date?
I'm not surprised, of course, but they're a really nice couple of scenes.

Yaaay, Sherry's here, everybody!
Are we all super excited?
She's so fucking loathsome.
I mean, it's not like I ever wanted to see Lorelai and Christopher as a couple, but god they just picked the most odious roadblock they could, didn't they?
I like how they constantly one-up themselves on how

Is this the American equivalent of the Great British Bake Off? 
I liked that a surprising amount.
Very pleasant show. No one bitter, no one 'not here to make friends' or 'throwing under the bus', just lots of middle-class pastry cutting.

Oh, you should submit that.
Those things need to happen.
Especially the looks of disgust thrown at Jace. 
I want those most of all.

Yeah, Stef's reaction to her father was amazingly played, I just kind of thought the whole religious opposition thing was very 'issue of the week' and I hate when shows do that so bluntly.
Lookin' at you, Glee…

I really liked Callie calming Wyatt down - she's got some skills - but other than that, this episode didn't make that much of an impression on me.
It was still good, but ehh.
I thought all the religion stuff was a bit heavy-handed, also.

I want those two crazy kids to work it out as much as the next guy, but #Bemmett is unforgiveable.

Wasn't it just?
I kept wondering why being more studious in this universe would also give her ugly hair.
I guess I'm just thankful she wasn't also given braces, glasses and a snort-laugh.

That reminded me of Ken Jenkins saying the same kind of 'landing a moment' thing on Cougar Town, which I tried to find on YouTube.
I could only come up with this, which - let's face it - is better.…

Ahhh, I see - no, that isn't what I've seen, in that case. 
I've always thought that was one of the things shows like Friends and the Big Bang Theory have done well - as indifferent as I am to BBT. 
Their home sets have different sections that aren't sort of straight-facing the audience and so don't look as tacky and

Pretty sure there's already a book of those. I remember seeing a thing with the floor plans of Frasier's apartment, the apartments from Friends, the Simpsons house and a whole load of others.

Well, I mean, surely they'd be more a semi-expected 'whoops', 
I'd say you're talking about a specialist whore if you want faeces.
This is a conversation I didn't expect to have today.