
Wait… so you're saying faeces would be less disturbing than the other two?
You're into some weird stuff, @avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus …

Oh, I can see that!
Middle brunette girl - Emmy Rossum, though that may be a bit of a stretch.

Like I said, I think Regina works better when she's around Kathryn and in the Kennish compound.
I really don't care for her alcoholism or Angelo at all.
Ugh, Angelo.

If you hover over the comment, there's a reply button.

I thought the guy near the centre was Chace Crawford for a second and acting work had just really slowed down for him after Gossip Girl.
Also, the 'c' in the middle of his name bugs the bejesus out of me.

Yes! It had to be her lack of awareness, right?
I really thought they were going to have her make some kind of clumsily obvious pass at him and have him just be all bewildered.
They can't be trying to pass him off as a straight character… right?

I like Regina a lot. She can be a little self-righteous and kind of like she's in her own Lifetime movie - "I'm just trying to move on with my life after my switched daughters turned me to alcoholism!" - but in general, I like her. 
I think she's best when she has Kathryn to bounce off.
John on the other hand…

I liked the scene with Emmett and his dad but the two times John blew up - especially the first - had me laughing. The sweep of the documents onto the floor and 'I AM ANGRY NOW AND USING ANGRY VOICE' was just… hilarious.

Ahh sure, sure.
Well at least we'll never be short of complaints, I guess.

Yep, it starts with that whole bathroom scene that I love for its ridiculousness, but I'm pretty sure it's an unspoken agreement that we disregard the review and just get down to the comments at this point, no?

Do you think she's essentially Richard?
I think she definitely has a lot more in common with Emily, personality-wise.

See, mine's either her aside to Shira Huntzberger or her reliving it for the rest of the Gilmores a couple weeks later.
Thanks to the magic of the internet:
"Now let's talk about your money. You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble

I really wanted to go see it, but it was only playing for a week in Manchester at this tiny little cinema, nobody would go with me 'cause 'Shakespeare? Really?' and I wasn't going to go on my own!
It's pretty obvious I need better friends.

You mean 'Buffy: Slayer… of the vam-pires'?
He does indeed, bless him.
I never understood why people disliked Andrew so much.
I get not liking the Trio in general, 'cause… yeah, but Andrew/Tom Lenk is adorable.

But to be fair, they're all either in love with her, a father figure to her or… well, Andrew.

Me too, I always like it when either Richard or Emily actually seem to realise that Lorelai knows her shit.
Does it ever last longer than an episode? No, but occasionally is fine.

"Well you hair looks fine!"
"My hair looks fine because I have my hair done every Wednesday at three."
Love her delivery of that.
Barely repressed hostility, just 'if you don't drop it, I will end you.'
I remember my grandma going through the same thing when my grandad retired.
As a result, he now plays a lot more snooker

I know, it's bizarre, but he is kind of right.
I like certain parts of it, but it's definitely just filling up an episode.
And yeah, the episode where he sets up his office is great.

Hmm, I dunno.
I like the show plenty, but I think its tone would be easy enough to pull off.
Acronym, acronym, neurotic voiceover, "you're welcome", eyeroll, acronym.
Definitely don't see it like losing a Sherman-Palladino/Sorkin/Harmon.

Was that phonetic Geordie, @JohnReinhardt:disqus ?