
Yeah, SaB does its family/friend relationships really well, but it gets through those love interests pretty damn quickly and without much investment.
Though I am still holding out for Bay and Emmett, if only because they spent some time actually developing it.

What I never understood was, if these cases are supposed to be real, why would the internet people give their address and consent to be on TV?
Would people really be that shameless? Like 'oh, yep you got me. I'm such a lovable rogue, let's get me on television.'

Does anyone know if whoever's playing Jude is related to Sam from Freaks and Geeks?
It's uncanny and a cursory Google gave me nothin'.

Well no but maybe like All is Full of Love. Same vibe (and album, even), but a bit less dirge-like.
Actually, dibs on that.
That sonofabitch will make people cry but in a good way.

I was listening to Unravel this morning, so… that's all I have to add.
Bit depressing, with the love-stealing devil though, no?

Would 'When I Am Laid in Earth' be too on the nose?

Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk then, apparently.
Could be worse, could be better.

I thought it was weird and out of character that Rory was smiling at the thought of Jess destroying the better one.

I thought she was just mocking Brad/Sondheim's repetitiveness, not actually quoting.

I'd say the Björkman looks more disgruntled than anything else.

No, I'm not the hugest Rose fan, either.
She just sort of went from plucky cockney sparrow to genius with a weird speech impediment and neither suited her.
I'm sticking with Donna and Amy all the way. 
Gotta love those gingers.

Oh yeah, it's definitely a quickly growing epidemic over here, too.
I'm not sure if it's US influence or just… people being thick.
I guess grammar has a lot less relevance now, anyway. As long as someone knows what you're trying to say, it doesn't matter as much how you say it.
Except it totally does.

She was smart, yeah, but I just think as a character, she was so flat and boring to watch.

Oh, no dispute there.
But of the new crop? Come on, Martha was awful.

Seriously, why doesn't anyone use adverbs?!
I don't get it!

But there were so many of them! 
The evidence was undeniable and overwhelming. Getting really dark, really fast here…

Ah yes, they wasted Krysten Ritter.
And yeah, Lorelai's fine too. 
She's a lot simpler in season 7, like you can see exactly where she's coming from and what her reasoning is behind things, which I guess is kind of a good and a bad thing as a viewer.

Yes! I've never understood why people use 'could'. It's the opposite of what they mean! 
Also, question. More of a query. Why 'Martha Jones'? She was the worst.

Oh Jesus, I just about die inside whenever I see him burst out into song.

I actually like Rory in season 7.
She seems a lot less uptight - probably partly because Bledel didn't have to be talking a mile a minute, which she isn't great at.
I know season 7 isn't popular (rightly so, for the most part), but I think they did a good job of making Rory likable again.