
I can't believe we're only just now meeting Brad.
Poor Brad. Just in general.

I don't mind him when he isn't being a nasty, nightmarish manwhore, but that isn't too often.
Also, 'Hey, Ace' grates after a while…

And F Jess.
Though M Logan? Jesus, I'd K myself

If the show were still going and we had a catch up with everyone, Tristan would be in jail for rape. Fact.

There is not a chance that Jess would've known they were going for Bjork with that snowgal.
Maybe if it had a swan around its neck and was assaulting paparazzi. 
Now, there's your prizewinner, folks.

Ha, yes!
That was a weird episode.
Duelling Poes! Fire! Slogan T-shirts! Paris watching soaps!
Wasn't Tom from Cougar Town one of the Poes, as well?

With the Toby thing, I more saw it as them setting it up so that once they're actually married and have to talk about money and all that stuff you have to go through, they'll stumble and find it harder.
You know, it's that kind of 'Oh, yeah don't worry about it because I like this honeymoon period and noooo, that won't

Did they actually put up that hashtag?
Also, what did she have to forgive him about?!
Do you think they just have a random hashtag generator?

The only thing I didn't like about the whole family symmetry thing was the scene they had with Daphne and Regina not in sync, interrupting each other and all awkward and then had a Daphne/Kathryn conversation where they were saying exactly the same thing at exactly the same time. It's like, you know, we get it. Don't

I dunno, he seemed pretty attached to them. 
…I don't want to think about the connotations of my phrasing there.

So… can we talk about the fact that Mac (I think that was his name - carnival guy) seemed to be wearing anal beads around his neck?
That was different.

I don't think it's too bad at this point in the show, but by season 6, it's literally just an assortment of different wrap dresses.
Sometimes a cardigan to spice things up.

Well it's clear to me that I misheard…
Ahh well.

And Teti's just brilliant in general.

Do you think? I love it. 
Emily being all breezy and camp is a rare but beautiful thing.

I think just pulling his leg, but pretty convincingly…
I love when Lorelai and Rory sort of shepherd her out of the room while she's saying 'I don't know what I did to make him hate me…'

Ah, but what you're forgetting is SIIIIIIMMMS!

They were very Gilmore-centric episodes though, weren't they?
Like even more than normal.

You're quite right!
All we needed to complete it was Teri Hatcher and her freaky plastic face of death.

Well if you have to go, it may as well be a whole convoluted mystery.