
"So… that's how you look when you've just woken up? Nothing in my life is fair"
Paris Gellar, speaker of truth.

I'd actually be fine with the ambiguity of not knowing if it meant he'd stay away.

Really? I'm sure he said he was autistic. I'm sure I rolled my eyes. And no, he gets no name. He'll forever be Unicycle guy. 'Dudley Douchebag' is also acceptable.

Yeah, it really bugged me.
It's kind of like they think they've had enough characters being seen to struggle learning it, so they'll break out the magic autism bullet.

Yeah, I remember TBS doing it a lot with the last season of Cougar Town.
Every other joke was hashtagged. I get that it's to drum up some attention, but it gets intrusive.

Yep, and he'll be able to pick the whole language up in the space of an episode or two, because autism.

I liked that they didn't fully go that way. I'm usually all for coupling people off in shows, but no.

Unicycle guy was the living worst. 
I did think that by having both girls talk to him, they were going to set up another love-related conflict between them though, so having Bay go work the ol' carnival circuit was welcome.
Didn't expect Ty back, though. Carrie's right, Parenthood did the returning soldier thing really

Yeah, I remember that but seriously, the amount of times that money exchanges hands is pretty low. She'll be called out of the diner and then just leave or they'll actually finish their meal/coffee, actually say goodbye to Luke and still leave without paying.

Yeah, but doesn't she say something about having missed Danish day? Like it would be out of the ordinary for him to have them the next day?

I'd move Joey down to five and shift Phoebe and Rachel up one each, but yeah that looks generally right.

Wow, going straight for the infertility? 
Bold move.
But yeah, those two were my favourite, as well.

As has been said by loads of people already, just hope that ABC Family's new dramas tank completely this summer. I've never wanted people to lose their jobs so badly, which I kind of feel bad about, but also… I don't.
We need more Paradise, g'dammit!

I guess so..?
Just seemed weird to me.

I find it weird that there'd be a 'Danish day'.
Like why would you only serve certain foods on certain days?
That's just bad business.
Not that Lorelai or Rory ever actually give Luke any business.
"I'll have a coffee, a Danish and pay for neither. That cool? Okay, bye!"

Yes! I meant to post a comment about that. Like it isn't the absolute easiest reference to understand? I know they're going for cutesy and 'ooh, he gets her!' but it comes off horribly.

Adorkable but Ukulele-less, which is the best kind of adorkable.

Well see it's a list I've only just started and probably won't finish, so… I'll get back to you?
Oh! [Spoilers] I suppose there's the 'I love you, Luke! I love you!' from the end of season 6 as being overly earnest, but Graham sells the shit out of it, so it isn't uncomfortable.

Ugh, season 6 Luke is the worst Luke.
Stupid secret child.
I actually quite like April, even if she's just science-Rory, but eurghh.

He's not awful all the time, Rory just has bad taste in men.
Her 'taste' being "oh, this guy talked to me. He shall make a fine boyfriend."