
You bite your tongue! Or… hold your fingers? Either way's fine.
Yes, he's a douche right now and he'll continue being one for most of his run, but he's infinitely more interesting to watch than Dean. Not just because they dumb Dean down, either.
Would you rather Logan*? Huh? Is that what you want? 
Didn't think so…

I've found a new entry for my 'weirdly earnest and uncomfortable Gilmore Girls lines' list.
Coming in just under 'because I love you, you idiot!' is… 
"I just want you to know… I really wanted to be your stepfather."
Is it the delivery? 
When Bledel said it the other way round the first time, it didn't

She's the herpes of people!

Yeah, I don't always have to like the main character, I just feel like so much of the show is in Jenna's head and from her point of view that it just gets really suffocating the more slap-able she behaves.
And agreed, there's been way too little Val. And Lacey, too.

Well yeah, I suppose that's the other side of it. A lot of teenagers are actually really unlikable and self-centred, but I'd still like to see an occasional non-sarcastic smile/smirk.

That wicked ol' mother at the top looks like the result of mushing Alanis Morisette and Amber Tamblyn together.

Completely agree.
I'd much rather see a bit of… anyone else, really.
She wasn't always quite this sour and unlikable, right?

Do you think? Yeah, the stand-alone episodes on Ashes to Ashes could be a little like bad episodes of The Bill, but I liked Alex more than Sam.

I actually preferred it to Life on Mars, which I know is sacrilege, but there we are.

Creeped out and aroused describes it pretty well.
It's like 'if Marilyn Manson were a viable sexual option'.

Well I wasn't when I originally posted it!
I don't even know how far my comment is buried in the thread at this point.
But yeah, Bowie in a Tina Turner wig definitely played a part in turning me away from women, which… I feel conflicted about.

Have to second Jareth the Goblin King.

Oh, obviously better off, in that case.
And… do you mean Sylvester the Cat?

Is it 'La… La… Laaaaa-laaaa, laa-laa-la-la-la-laa-laa-laa, laa-laa-laaaa'?
(Full disclosure, I hate myself for writing that out and thinking about la-length.)

Okay, Disqus is awful. I tried editing my comment to add that obviously your situation must have been different blah blah blah and it deleted me from the comment, which I don't even know how it did that.

Yeah, she did have a weird voice. She seemed to just be playing 'bratty and kind of quippy teenaged girl'.
I realise it's a tall order to try and be Lauren Graham, but she could've watched an episode or two beforehand and put in some effort, no?
EDIT: Just watched it on YouTube and it's like she's playing a brunette

Oh, they were awful!
The Christopher was passable but where did they find that Lorelai?! Did their first choice cancel last minute?

Luke aside, the only worthy Lorelai boyfriend.

But he was going to be part of the family.
I mean I don't like him, glad it was called off, but when you get a stepdad - whether they're your teacher or not - they're meant to be an extra authority figure.
He was doing everything by the book.
Not one of Lorelai's books though - it was no 'Goodnight, Spoon'.

Oh yeah, it has an air of squickiness, to be sure.