
Oh, I agree he's no loss to the show, I just loved him actually having some balls in this episode.

I never considered that she might just not have told him, but yeah, it does seem like something she'd do.
When you face a break-up? Visit Harvard!
That should be their school motto. It'll attract hundreds of thirty-something women saying 'ginchy'.

As much as I love me some Lorelai, I loved watching her be bitched out by Max even more.
"No, you need to think about someone other than yourself for a few minutes a day!"
Dude, you just broke the first rule of 'Being in a Relationship With Lorelai' and therefore must leave.
Buh-bye for now, Max. Medina. Maaax Medina.

Yeah, that's probably the best thing to do; she's only in a couple I think.

No and I'm sure I read somewhere that because it isn't on a 'proper' network, there may never be an official cancellation, it just won't be on anymore, while we all cling to the hope that 'oh, but maybe it will! Maybe they're just taking their time a bit. Ha, yeah, that's obviously it… Schedules and… stuff.'

Yeah, but don't feel like you should immediately marathon it. Watch it if you're really, really bored. It's watchable, but not good - I usually catch up when I'm getting ready for work in the morning as something to have on, but not pay 100% attention to.

Well, @avclub-ca81034275abbf70d907ff05dcccb8ad:disqus , he earned a lifetime of goodwill from me with Six Feet Under.
But yeah, Monica Potter was really great last season.
Mae Whitman should also just win everything.
Best supporting actress? Whitman.
Best sitcom? Whitman.
Best documentary? You get it by now…

Blerg, I'm glad it's over then.
Nobody needs more Michael Swift. Or husband-I've-forgotten-the-name-of.

Brothers and Sisters was one of those shows I couldn't give up on.
I actually quite liked it until the end.
But yeah, I do miss Scotty.

"Give them that big finish and they'll forget what came before"?
Oh, Smash, you troublesome bitch; trolling us right until your last breath.
I didn't hate these episodes, but they were a bit wish fulfillment-y.
Everyone won what would be the most important to them - though if Ivy hadn't won over Karen, I might've

You leave Dushku out of this!
Was she as good as she really ought to have been?
No, not at all, but… I have no point here - that much is apparent to me, now.

Oh, Christ.
That's my father, too.
He likes to throw in Goldmember, as well, and is never more than ten seconds away from pronouncing something to be 'toiight like a toiiiger'.

Well! You have to go and throw logic in my face, don't you, @avclub-284452bdab5c8151f9f079dc367ceb6b:disqus ?
But yeah okay, that makes perfect sense.
Also, did you end up appearing in much?

Yeah, season two really starts off strong.
And I love love love Max (not generally, but) in the stag/hen party episode when he calls Lorelai on her shit, 'cause she really hasn't thought it through at all, has she? She wants a man who loves her and dotes on her, but that she can kind of pick and choose what areas of

But you would hope after doing it for so long, you'd get more than 'gruff construction-type man with five lines or less'

Not Morey! He's always stayin' cool…
I only thought of Bootsy because The Bracebridge Dinner was mentioned. He's just 'stock annoying Stars Hollow citizen'.

Can you imagine being a typecast bit player?
That's some niche stuff.
To be fair, I suppose he looks perfect for what he always seems to end up playing.

Oh God, The Bracebridge Dinner is fantastic.
Gather the whole cast together for an episode and play out the episode with Human Behaviour? Yes yes.

I'm the same.
Apparently it just means we're very empathetic.
Some would take the 'em' off the start of that word, but… eh, they have a point.

Yep, that's just basic Paris maths.
It's the opposite of Bootsy/Taylor/Dean maths.