
Completely worth the price of admission just for Lorelai and Emily's tiara conversation at the end of Hammers and Veils.
Eyes? Pissing tears.

I thought that was an acrostic, with the weird formatting, but 'FtttPc Bot Isu Usp' doesn't make toooo much sense.

I misread that as 'Norman', which confused me.
"Well no, of course not! His hair's a bit longer than I personally like mine, but not long enough for a bu - Oh, I see…"

Fun tidbit, depending on your definition of 'fun'.
I recognised the woman from the hospice, Googled her - turns out it was Marcia Langman, hater of everything in Pawnee. 
But then recognised her actual name too and it turns out she's the creator of the show.

Ugh, that whole thing was the worst.
Luckily, it kind of throws everything out and starts again, though there's still a lot of Cathy speechifying.

The third season was awful, but you should try this mini-season, it's pretty much righted the wrongs.

But probably still with far too many plots that resemble 'This week, Peter goes to space. With Elizabeth Taylor's corpse. And an Asian guy…'

Where in America are you, @Eclectic_Mayhem:disqus ?
I know it would make me a traitor, but I keep wanting to move to the ol' US of A.
Also, *high fives a fellow Brit back*

To be fair, my music taste when I was about 12/13 - post-Britney, cause yeah, she was 'da boooomb when I was 9 - wasn't much better. 
Red Hot Chili Peppers and Linkin Park…
Though actually, I'll mostly stick by the Chilis to this day and I still think Hybrid Theory was a good album.
Gah, I hate myself.
Though also,

I realise you're just a-trollin', but I'm English, so… this is awkward. And mean.

…do people still say 'limey'?

I did the same. It's difficult to stop, though; you unintentionally go on a big Gilmore binge because 'oh, the next one's gooood! I love that moment where…'

Nope, I'm early 20s too and it's not okay…

I'd say 'most foolish in modern history' is over-reaching a tiny bit..?
Just a tiny bit, though.
God, you're so middle school, @avclub-a9ba553828f4a0900f6d53a825651453:disqus !

Oh my! So much anger.
Vera Farmiga wouldn't want you to, but maybe try "smokin' a doobie" and calming down?

Always sounded stupid.
I think Dean's was worse in a cringe-y way and Rory's was just really lame.

I think about 9-ish? She's a young teenager with awful music taste by season 5, isn't she?

That's what I always assumed.
She'll never win for Parenthood, either, because a) Sarah Braverman is the woooorst and b) Her part isn't that huge, given that it's an ensemble.

I guess so.
I only started watching from season 4 in reruns, I think, so I was under the impression he'd never thought about her quite like that before - or maybe just not as strongly - and then going back to season one, I was like 'huh… there all along, then.'

The whole Max proposal may have been completely shoehorned in because END OF SEASON, but Lorelai's face when she's looking around at the daisies is enough to make the blackest and most shriveled of hearts grow three sizes.