
Which is for the best for everyone, really.
No one needs another of him.

Lord, your fiancé just has the worst taste, which I'm not saying means anything about you, but… it may mean a little.

I'd be worried about the test, but thankfully Sam Lloyd showed me how to fill in the circles, so I'm cool.

I don't know what those shows are, but I hate them.

Starring Will Arnett and Maya Rudolph?

I keep catching the last couple of minutes of this show in morning reruns and it just seems awful.
I saw Shannon Doherty pop up on it the other day, which made me wonder why no one learned from Aaron Spelling.
I actually just googled it and apparently she was even fired from this version?
Poor, wretched woman.

@avclub-410987637793620466d1b0732bd7ed6d:disqus , I never thought I'd miss the days of ol' Chinese Slave Gal, but given the choice…

I know it was probably the intention, but the two of them in bed made me uncomfortable enough to only look quickly at the screen every few seconds to see if it was over.
And I think until Norman finds out about whatever's bound to happen with Bradley and Dylan, I just can't care about it.
I want to see him lose his

I still think they'll probably go with another really unsatisfying conclusion, like last season - the Teselecta thing still pisses me off - but I remain hopeful. Not overly hopeful, but it's there.

Did the American showing have the extra few minutes where the Doctor and Clara talk about each other to camera?
I don't know if there's a 'red button' equivalent, which is how it was shown here.
It looks like shit is going down next episode.

Quickly earned paycheck for Lea Michele this week, then.
I worry that because we didn't find out whether she got the part or not, next season will open with her opening night or something because ta-dah, it's all that simple!
Though also, what's this super master plan for next season?
Do tell.

I'll second Labyrinth.
It's literally the first film I can remember watching and I still end up watching it at least once a year.

Wonderful episode, though any time I see it, I end up disliking Lorelai in it more and more.

If Mrs Kim, Emily and Paris had their own spin-off, how long would it be until someone's face was ripped off?

I could never warm to Lane much; bit bland.

I love that they introduce The Dragonfly so early and don't forget about it.
Like it could have just been about Luke finding it weird that Rachel and Lorelai got on, but that they added in The Dragonfly is great stuff.

Vicious was the worst.
I just wrote out a whole diatribe about how awful it is, but then deleted it when I caught myself using caps lock. 
Nobody wants to be that guy.
But just… avoid it.
The show ITV paired it with - The Job Lot - isn't too awful. Like, it's decent for an ITV comedy.

That is true. I mean, I imagine the Mexican, Chinese etc is better actually in the countries they originate from, but we do pretty well.

Okay, let's forget I even mentioned adding another contestant, @avclub-e6befb1fd5041f76ef508494e4995a50:disqus   it was just an example.
I get that the competition will be dragged out - pun not intended - for as long as possible, I just wish the finale actually had some content and didn't last for about ten days.

No, I mean have the same number of weeks if they must, but if they had another contestant, they wouldn't need to have a reunion that drags on endlessly.