
I understand trying to draw the season out, but couldn't they just have had one more contestant? 
I felt like this reunion went on forever. I might still be watching it, I don't even know, it's dulled my perception of time.

Oh, Seth; what a cheeky monkey.
I'm going through a season one rewatch at the moment and wondering why 'highlights-that-make-your-hair-look-like-a-wig' were ever a thing.

Yeah, I've heard a couple nice versions of it by other people, but this one was just too overblown.
I just tried listening again on YouTube to see if I judged it too harshly and nope.

You like pork pies?
I remember my dad trying to get me to eat one when I was younger and… bleurgh. 
It's the jelly stuff that's just kind of repulsive and baffling to me.
Oh, and pork scratchings. Ugh.
And yeah, that's true, we do well at putting other foods in batter.

*mushy, which somehow sounds more disgusting - which is probably because they are. Ditto for pork pies. I really can see why people say English food is disgusting, it's all just fat and mush.

No, that's pretty accurate.
Being in Manchester, all I can do is dream of the 'big city', but alas, I'm stuck on t'farm, looking after the cows and then making said cows into a pie. It's a cycle.

I think Gatiss is northern, but yeah, no mention of 'grayvehhh'.

A big, belting, ballady version of High and Dry?
…no thank you, Smash. You may leave now.

Agreed, that was horrible

When one of the stock northern guys was talking about mash, I was thinking 'I hate that there's this thing of "Ooooh, pie 'n' mash"' and then I was flicking around on Sky afterwards and there was literally a programme called 'Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie', so… there that is.

Plus, with them both using @avclub-bb43bf420800d719afa870770cd050c5:disqus , is Bunheads a documentary in their world?

No no, there's no reason to miss it.
It almost-definitely won't be renewed by ABC, but Cougar Town hopefully set a precedent of 'don't get rid of awesome shows because they've been fucked around'.
TBS? USA? Anyone?
I will cut the bitch responsible for not renewing Happy Endings.

Just the worst.
Once she started breaking out the 'eleganza', I wanted to burrow under the ground and stay there forever.

I quite like the idea of asking permission, @avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus .
It's less actually asking permission and just a nice sign of respect.
That being said, I couldn't quite decide what to think of the Blaine and Burt scene. 
Like it's clear that Blaine and Kurt are supposed to be endgame, but

So okay, living in LA has made Mercedes talk like a contestant on Drag Race..?
I… You know what, Glee? Whatever.

I loved that in the last episode - trying to appear nonchalant when Lorelai finally catches on and then snapping back to Emily-mode.

Oh! I definitely see the huge Winona eyes, but not sooo much Jessica Alba.

I think she had her moments, but she didn't really get to be that good an actress until about season 3/4.

Yeah, if the series was still going, he'd be speaking in grunts and dragging his knuckles along the ground by now.

But to be fair, Dean is a dick.