
Your iPhone sounds like garbage, have you go to the Apple store?

If I was at a vegan festival and saw a meat item I would just assume it was a mock meat and order it. That’s probably the biggest concern

There’s a big difference:

Can people who eat meat seriously not eat one meal that is plant based??????????????

There’s no given right to be allowed to sell at a vegan festival. They absolutely can set the rules for the vendors and decline ones they don’t want. It sounds like the organizers may have done a horrible job at that, but there’s nothing illegal about only letting people sell vegan food at a vegan festival.

I didn’t see the list to see how clear it is, but I can tell you if I was at a festival that told me is was 100% plant based I would order chicken assuming it was vegan chicken. Granted I can easily tell the difference when it came up unless it was in really small pieces.

As a gay man, I have to say I’m really over hearing about Chick-fil-a. We all know their stance, decide where you want to eat.

My mom made me a separate dinner from the family ever day until I moved out. She also would bring me a picnic basket of stuff I would eat when I was at a school function. Worst idea ever. It was hard for me in college and I didn’t actually learn to eat real food until after college.

And drink from cows udders, like god intended for.... oh baby cows.

It’s a vegan festival that said all the food was vegan. I think someone attending might be a little mad to figure out there was animal products in what they ate.

Probably because science has proven that plants aren’t capable of feelings.

There are lots of couples where one party is vegan & the other party is not. The non-vegans who were dragged to this by their vegan significant others were probably overjoyed to see this truck selling meat.

I think I know which one you are talking about and it is GROSS AF. That said, my meat and potatoes dad will eat my BBQ jackfruit sliders with curry apple slaw.

I hated that new mode. I really hope they go back to the old style. My only guess is some people were just awful at the original mode. I would beat my ex every time because he couldn’t think ahead on how the map would be changing.

You realize they are partnering with the government right? They foot the bill, they get free advertising.

I’ve stayed in just average hotels for work that have free beer / wine / snacks.

Why is that disturbing to you? I bet none of you would eat your cat/dog but you’ll eat a chicken or cow.

This concept of Pokemon is to take wild animals from their natural habitat and trap them in a tiny ball, only to be released and fight until they are critically ill.

If that makes you feel better to say that... but it’s not true. In what world is a mass market Chicken franchise that doesn’t even have a vegetarian option a last resort? They’re always located in walking / driving distance to other fast food places. Gays in bmore are going to Chick-Fil-A and I promise you it’s not a

The one self checkout by me has weird sensors which I always assumed was measuring the aprox shape of the item, but honestly I have no clue if that is true.

I’ll follow smaller brands I like for deals. My deodorant company always has some deals. Other products like my indoor gardens for tips on how to use them.