
Spoiler: The game is only loosely based on real life.

Damn, that's what I do. When I started at my company it was really small, but sadly I didn't work long enough to get shares. We were bought out before that happened. Now we're one of the largest companies in the US and I got jack shit from that deal. A 3% raise, woo hoo.

What did you do to get that jump? I'm at 98ish with my bonus, I want to be at 150ish.

I made 96k last year and either I'm doing something wrong, or that isn't enough.

The part after the colon is an example of the definition, not part of it. Premature is an adjective which can modify any noun, baby, price drop, ejaculation, announcement, etc.

That's like the worst solution to a problem ever. "We can't fix the battery problem, stop using the new technology..."

They are trying to stop us from ordering $3-5 items it appears. I went to order some lotion and it said it was prime eligible but I had to order at least $25 worth or products.

I get why the passwords or credit card numbers shouldn't be stored in plain text, but I do consulting for many large companies.... everything else they track about you is stored in plain text.

Wow... I've never been on either end of anal and not used lube. Do you use condoms? Maybe that's what's making a difference for me.

I don't understand the random inclusion of this anus in this sentence: "There are also reasons people reach for lube including marathon sex sessions, and tight genital fit (you may be on the large side for your partner's vagina or anus). "

While I don't agree with them, apparently a large number of them have masters degrees. A lot of them are lawyers. They clearly have functioning IQs.

The article links to a different one that has the number needed...

I don't know how accurate these are. I *67 called Margie's numbers. first 2 home ones didn't work, and the work one went to someone named Sara Carver.

Sigh, Rob Delaney & The Onion and not a single ounce of funny. Predictable jokes, and even the clip is too long.

Hello there Mr. Grinch.

Hey jackass... check the source article and author. This isn't a US author / article. Mould is acceptable... as a matter of fact that's how they spell it in the source article you didn't bother to read....

They don't want their FREEEEEEEEEE service to turn into a shit show like myspace where people could put up whatever they want.

"Inconspicuous"? ... /end_comment

how do you charge the second battery?

Question, how can I keep it up constantly on my second monitor? I find if I click on the second monitor, the metro interface goes away... unless I'm in an actual application. Am I missing something, or is that how it works?