
I don't think you know what obsolete means.

Well, true, but the more we learn about them the more we can find a way to target any rhyno. But I'm thinking we're about 50 years from doing that.

There are zero credentials required to be a nutritionist, not even a high school degree… so don’t take everything they say to heart. Dieticians however need a college degree from an accredited university and have to do an internship and pass an RD exam.

Ikea has glass condiment dishes which look much better. If you're going to take the ketchup out of the bottle, you might as well put it in something attractive.

Wait, that botulism warning, it only matter if you're not eating the dressing right away, right? I put raw garlic in oil and dip bread in it a lot!

I hope whatever rumor led people to think the headphone jack is going to be on the bottom is false. In what way would that make sense. If you phone is facing up, you wouldn't want the wire to come from the bottom.

Don't the go hand in hand. Bigger screen= more pixels = worse battery life. Either statement is correct.

I don't regret in the least getting the wifi only ipad, even though I travel for work. Most places have wifi, or the wifi is cheaper than a dataplan through a cell carier.

Nope, but I got the features I wanted. I had Siri for a week, before I realized it was useless and returned my 4s to wait for the next hardware.

Apple does this? Funny, most of their updates work on phones that are 2 years old.

All those limitiations you mentioned don't affect 99% of the users that use or want to use Windows. I don't think Microsoft forces you to have any more applications installed than any other OS. 3rd parties may add bloatware, but the option to not have that put on is becoming popular.

If this comes out before the next iPhone, I may switch. If not, Ill probably just stick to my iPhone/ iPad combo.

I decided to make my own roasted red peppers one day. Yum! So easy and cheap!

Turn the asparagus the other way and it won't fall through. And how are you cutting your zucchinis that they fall through?

Ok, but don't call something with artifical crap "The healthiest meal" because it's not....

Do tell more? How do you keep it liquid without butter or heavy cream?

well.... I think the OP is wrong, but veggies, grains, fruit, nuts etc are still on the table. I can't think of anything you can't from them that you can from meat. It's just really hard with our society to get the right nutrition unless you cook all your own meals.

We make homemade caramel probably every week. If you tried to serve me one with no sugar I would spit it right back in your face. It's ok to have a little dessert. We eat one dessert per week, a moderate portion and work out.

That is just hilarious!!!!!

There aren't many "out" gay people in Japan. I would bet the distribution is even world wide despite how prevelant it is in a given culture.