When you go to [Sony.com] they don't have a page that says "Look at all these failed products we released but you can't buy anymore."
When you go to [Sony.com] they don't have a page that says "Look at all these failed products we released but you can't buy anymore."
Not that it matters, but their revenus is mostly for digital shit. They aren't in the business of selling physical assets that can be stolen.
I would hope that after 9 months of basically no expenses he would be able to afford a cheap apartment. Actually, I don't get how it even took him that long to be able to move out of the office.
When did apple ever use this 2G name everyone made up. The first one was "iPhone"
Everything on Gizmodo is a first world problem solution. We don't need any of this shit.
Sucks for all those iHome and bose iPod docks that people love.
The iPhone 5 seems like a logical choice for apple to name it. It's very likely to come next. Also, "new iphone" is going to return horrible search results / filters.
we just need a name to call it by. iPhone 5 seems logical at this point. The 4 was after 3gs. So maybe 5 will be after 4s
If this has full iPhone functionality, doesn't kill my battery, and is waterproof, Id consider it. But it's really fucking ugly. I wanted an I'm Watch, but wasn't impressed by the limits that it has with the iphone. I get a lot of the limits are because of Apple's design, but still.
They actually already have that. And yes... it comes with an optional rectal swap.
I don't recall that being a way to get one last year. I had to add my EDU email to my facebook adn then go to some page on facebook where they gave me a confirmation code. It was really anoying. Especially because my @EDU email was just one I had access to for work... I wasn't a student of anything,.
Last year all I had to do to qualify was have an @edu email. I don't think high school students get them, but if so they can take advantage. I wasn't even a student, I was just doing some contracting work for Johns Hopkins.
$52 is still less than $70
Ice Cream maker is good to have. I've made pumpkin pie, peanut butter cup, chocolate, etc. All good. Mine was only $40 on woot.
Yum, never thought of that. Sounds good, I'll give it a try. Might taste good to add a few cinamon sticks or vanilla beans in while it's reducing.
Yeah, I've got warnings in the past about them throttling. It's been going on for a few months. While it sucks, I'm still better off on ATT for the time being. I would be paying a fortune on verizon.
It doesn't have to be unpaid. My internships paid 13-16 per hour. Average for a college working student.
If AT&T does this, then hello Verizon. Although I would lose the corporate rate I get from the job I quit 2 years ago....
Just to be clear.... you are saying that straight people don't get STDs? OMG. The number of straight people I know with herpes is insane compared to my gay friends with any STDs.
Which is why you should always wait at least 3 months, safer to do 6 before bringing up not using a condom. Go get tested together, then stop using condoms. Call me a prude, but that's what I do.