
Ugh, I signed a horrible contract with my company. I only get paid when I do quality work, and if I don't do the work I want, they don't get me anymore money.

It shoulds like the last 5million shares that were metnioned were given to her on a policy that she only receives them if she can bring the stock to a set price point.

Does it have a feature similiar to Tivo's rating system. On Tivo you give things thumbs / down and it automagically records things you might like.

Isn't the whole thing a reminder of the horror? A long list of tons of people that were killed...

The 5th show must be prerecorded. No tuner needed. It's being streamed off of the HD.


Both the article and Tivo site state 4 tuners.

Advantages for me are: UI - just makes sense. I've used my parent's fios box and it is clunky. It only asks me if I want to delete if I'm at the very end of the show. On tivo, when you stop watching a show anywhere in the last three minutes it asks if you want to delete.

FYI this is just 4 with the ability to watch a different show that was prerecorded on the HD.

I would beg to differ. Small city, I would agree with you. Near my parents house, if one of our favorite places closed, we would know.

"because if they weren't, then a fear of STDs should render homosexuality disgusting as well"

The same people that think getting a comcast / verizon email are the same people that still want the post office.

My own office is the only "tool" I need. Sadly I quit the job that offered that.

My mom's public school in the US is redoing each school one by one. As they are redone each room gets a smartboard.

I speant that much time and still couldn't figure out where to find the list of apps.

What browser are you guys testing you posts in? Because I tried 2 and don't see any apps.

This is the worst layout for best apps ever. I still don't understand how you view them? All I see in the side bar is a thing that says "Filmic Pro, Doplhin Browser and more"

Drunk person does something stupid, what a SHOCKER!

For the longest running challenge ever, you could do a summer to winter contest. Except for people where it's warm all the time, they could just submit one picture.

"When you can grown full brains and anal sphincters in petri dishes, muscle must seem like cake. "