My mom got rid of mine when I went to college :(
My mom got rid of mine when I went to college :(
Yeah, increasing internet speeds is a real stupid idea. 56k modem for me please!
Adding google+ intergration to the google defy+ would really be a plus in my book.
If you're reading an article about something you think will raise a company's stock, it's already too late.
There was a time, not featured in the timeline image, where he was a good looking dude.
Except NONE of my connections has made more than 1 post on G+, so not much to look at.
Also your knowledge of phones / sim cards in general is pretty limited.
Can you describe what is awful about it. I sit by a guy at work that paid more for his mac. We both do the same job, and get out work done without problems. I don't get why he insisted he had to have a mac at work.
Which one was it. As a graduate, perhaps I can shine some light on the bar choice.
The getinpulse site is down right now, but I'll check it out. Thanks.
They were tricky to tell that they were actually pages. At first I thought it was just text describing what I was reading, but then I decided to give them a click. Confusing page layout for sure.
What are some similar ones? I'm interested in this device but haven't heard of a comparable product.
The FAQ's on the site don't mention if my boyfriend will dump me for wearing this.
All of the questions you mentioned are all the site.
Man, I wish I knew about this. I'm mad good at excel and data maniuplation with it. I did every test in college in minutes. I've actually come to make a comforatable living off of my excel skills.
Really? Here is my break down of posts:
Yep, with basically any fruit/veggie you really should just eat it and not drink it. More fiber and nutrients.
I love when fat people eat organic junk food and say "well it's organic, it's good for me"
By that logic wouldn't anything containing more than one ingredient be arificially flavored?
I don't use my real name as my handle. Also, having used two online dating sites, neither gave out my name to anyone. They all just use your handle as far as I can stand.