I questions this: "The system is still a year off and development has only recently begun. "
I questions this: "The system is still a year off and development has only recently begun. "
It will be over 5 years old before this comes out. You can't expect a game cosole to last forever.
At my company to log in from home, you needed the RSA token + a 6 digita pin which changes monthly. Then after that you had to enter your windows username / password which changed every 2 months.
Not if designed right. This of the possibility of a "goo gas station". Being liquid they can devise a pipe system to transport this somewhere vs having to deal which physcially lifting new batteries in and out of cars and stacking them somewhere.
It seems silly to worry about this. Usually I'm running away from someone chasing me with a weapon. I don't have time for these silly details.
He landed a record deal with Ellen Degeneres. He will have his own albumn out soon.
I've yet to sit through a meeting and at the end be able to articulate how powerpoint helped except in the case of a picture or movie embedded in the presentation.
I can't be the only one that doesn't understand the money generation part of this, right?
While my friends don't have to work on snow days, I always had to work from home. That is until the snow mysteriously builds up and causes a power outage. My plan almost worked until I remembered I work for the power company and no one reported the outage.
From public school to starred gizmodo commenter. Take that private school kids.
I bet we will see people in space again before the end of most of our lives.
I've never understood the "come on right away" argument. My CFLs take 1 second max to come on.
Yes, WAWA!!! I'm so mad I moved away from Wawa. Royal farms sucks.
This is the same exact thing my friend did to my gizmodo account when I died!
Might I suggest: [www.google.com] href="http://gizmodo.com/sclient/">#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=tech+blogs&aq=f&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=ecbf8a9c27052cf6
He has a book out, go buy "The internet is a playground"
I would tag local things like our great new bakery that opened up to help support them. But it doesn't seem to let me, I guess their fan page isn't set up correctly for this.
because if there is one thing that will help our already confused parents, it's a whole new interface?
Do you only have a domain? If so that is why you have no problems. For any type of script based hosting they SUCK. I've never seen slower implementations of joomla/ wordpress etc.
Ditto. All my clients start on godaddy and end up somewhere else. Out of curiosity, who are you using? I'm using host gator right now because I just switched my business model to Joomla/Wordpress/Drupal related tasks and I've found it works well for that.