
Looks like the HD version isn't in the app store anymore. I only see the $4 one.

@Jimmy1: Do we even know this is Verizon doing this? Maybe windows wanter a bigger market so they started with GSM ones.

@cbandes: The individual apps yeah. But I find that people are only really playing 5 or so, once I him Famville, Maffia Wars, Family Fued I stopped ssing them.

@cbandes: hide it once, gone forever. So simple.

@ddhboy: No, apps didn't kill myspace. Cleaner install of apps did prevent facebook from looking like shit like myspace does.

@alek2407: you mean so someone else owns the it works on...facebook?

@kingjoeyjr: Wow, that is really cool of them. I think I will have to check this out.

@psybab: yeah, I knew that. I have one. But the difference would be having them on a sim I could easily get a $10 phone if needed and still have all my contacts.

@dtptampa: Unless I'm not aware of something, the iphone doesn't let you do this, right?

@dtptampa: Imagine you use your black berry for work/personal use and you work in IT. You have automated emails set up to alert you of a server failure, and L1 messages set up to notify you when that email comes through.

@Hello Mister Walrus: I was about to say the same thing. Seems like a much easier solution.

@BeyondtheTech: I've had a TiVo since I won a free one off a TV show.

@tastypotatoes: It says that this one will be a: "competing Android app store" so I assume both will still be there.

@jmasterini: I need to know where you live, it can be America, because you would know we call it America.

@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: I only peel them in that pretentious way where you take a few stripes out of them. Makes my feel a little more classy when I am chugging my canned NattyBoh with dinner.

@G-Ram: I think (hope) he was kidding. Looks like he used the standard setttings on Photomatix. I don't even know why those settings exist as they always look like garbage.

@OreoExplosion: yeah, that is mainly why I want the aisle. I go to the bathroom a lot, so I don't want to disrupt other people. I don't mind getting up for others though.

save a plane, ride a cowboy?

As long as I can still get my isle seat, I'll do this!

@dragon:ONE: It isn't about freedom in terms of "free" apps. It's about freedom in terms of options and features that apple won't allow.