@Strider-No.9: but either way you can just return it, right?
@Strider-No.9: but either way you can just return it, right?
@Sent from my toilet: Your app isn't always running in the background. ios4 has 7 multitasking APIs that developers can use. Chat isn't one of them, and also an app can't continue to fully run
@Beall49: redesign phone and change a most likely in flight manufacturing process / design.... OR... let people buy a case which they were probably going to do anyway. hrm....
@baldbeaver.ah: Do you have a case on your 3GS? If so you will be fine getting a 4g. Problem yes. Embarissing to release with this defect yes. Fixable - almost naturally as many people have a case for iphones anyway.
@jwater7: many customers aren't concerned. everyone I know that got one including myself bought a case with our phone, so we never saw a problem.
@NuevoLeon: I agree people would want it, just don't know about 12 million. Also, I would disagree with them putting effort into getting any type of phone on the network for $100,000. Verizon thinks in numbers MUCH larger than that.
@ekornblum: uh say what? Mine isn't slow at all. Connection problems?
@NuevoLeon: Is 12 million the number on ATT? Are you suggesting that it is anyway a possibility that every single ATT user would switch?
@Sam43054:Mine lasts all day doing: twitter, facebook, personal email, work email, work phone calls, personal phones calls, music.
@92BuickLeSabre: Waiting for you at the return counter at the store where you bought the phone.
@JuJuMonkeyBoy: yeah, the article kinda suggested that when they said
@Nitemancometh: "Who's to blame? "
@CaptainJack: exactly. people need to just stop complaining. Just take it back.
@mritacca001: they have no problem taking them back. You don't need to DEMAND anything.
@klamerus: The lawsuit is stupid. Return the phone if you don't want it. Problem solved.
Once it catches on really big and every wants to watch TV this way, prices will skyrocket to the same as cable.
@FЯeeMan: because if you buy a case all the problems are solved. It just seems like more problems with it being posted by many sites 5 times a day.
"So many that a class action suit is already in the works"
@kimnaii: LinkedIn kinda sucks. unless you are looking for work you have no reason to visit it. Why do I care that Bob changed his resume?