
@Geoff: finally someone who agrees.

Baltimore, MD Edge iPhone working fine.

@Bluecold: Why don't we move to places that don't have disasters like this? That will give you a 0% chance of getting killed by a huricane.

What if, now bear with me here, we adapt to the weather, and not make it adapt to us?

@FriedPeeps: It has to do with the way the wave is modifed to transmit data. AM stands for amiplitude modulation, modifying the height of the way, while FM stands for frequency modulation modifying how frequently the waves come one after another.


@Go Vols!: I've never really thought any of the things on youtube are funny.

@LVP: grrr, no the button pushing wasn't in purgatory... oh nevermind.

If you use the default one of the day it is fine, but if you pick one of thiers or your own, they load so SLOWLY on IE8 it is painful.

You can make any stock look good or bad by showing the time frame you want.In 2007 it was 130, now 249. Man did those investors get taken for a ride....

@Dodge2002: you obiviously don't live in America if you think they are late to party. Yeah, we get it, people in other countries have had this for a while, maybe they won't hype it so much there.

@bazookafox: "weren't eligible for phone upgrades until all the way in November "

I wonder if he has used a WM device... because the internet sure as hell wasn't built for that... #iphone

If the next iphone doesn't have multitasking, i'm not buying it....

Would be fun to make a few of them, after that I would want a quality photo and not this art crap.