I think it would be amazing if they’d pick a venue, then display an image of what’s behind, so that it’ll make it seem like the building is invisible, before having it become visible again. Probably not worth the effort though since it’s only good from one specific location.
I’m just impressed that you can keep them all separate in your mind. To me, they are just kind of a supercut of Tom Cruise running and doing stunts.
What is wrong with using the age verification from Leisure Suit Larry?
Like the Splatoon knock-off in the showcase.
Most will have forgotten The KLF, a 90s dance group, by now not realizing they had two top 10 hits in “3am Eternal” (also top 5) and “Justified and Ancient (Stand By The JAMS)“. But it’s the second top 10 with none other than Tammy Wynette that was truly a weird pairing indeed. Tammy said:
Or... just do like I do and never disinfect anything, and never get sick.
But as entertaining as televisions are, you might notice they can actually be quite distracting when you have guests over.
A sign you’re a grown up means you lay out your rooms so they serve your purpose, not what an online blog post suggests.
I refresh all my raingear with Nikwax at least once a year. It adds significant life to well-worn rain gear.
If you’re reading on PC you can narrow your browser window by about 10%, and the slideshow will load on one page. It’s not the best, but it’s better than endless clicking.
Winter Coating, Snow Globing, Sugar Cookie-ing, Turkey Basting, Ghost Of Christmas Past-ing, Snow Angelling, Ice Fishing, Secret Santafying, Egg Nogging, Jingle Belleing - any of these could be awful holiday dating memes. As for me, I’m avoiding being Hannukatfished.
1. Dryer Lint Catcher - Clean and check for damage
You don’t need this. Put your Zoom/Teams/Meet/FaceTime/whatever app on one half of your screen, and put your Notes/OneNote/Evernote/whatever on the other half. I do this all day—every day—and it works well.
I’ve got a small patch kit from a bike store that’s about the size of a container of floss. There really isn’t much to patching, the patches themselves, some rubber cement (sometimes the patches incorporate this), and a bit of sandpaper to scuff up the tube around the puncture.
I enjoy (seriously) how 90% of hacks make something more complicated. I have never once thought “man these chips in a tube are a problem”.