
I just went to and clicked For You. Each listed story tells you what the search item is for that story. You can click it thumbs down or up. The list for me is just right.

Now why can’t I swipe stories away? Same thing with the Google Feed. Used to be able to swipe. Get it together Google!

Yes. It is the answer everyone will look for in the comments.

Or! If you like Firefox and this is per Moon’s post on Hackerspace:

You hate it as much as I do: that little box that appears whenever you visit a news site or blog, asking for permission to bug you with notification boxes for stuff you don’t care about.

I love the “How I work series” but my ultimate take away from this is “IBM employee uses Macbook” I’m a fan of what works but I find this a fun observation

Ironically I have been slowly selling off key issues from my 8 longboxes of comics that I have in the basement. I went digital on my iPad Pro, and am really enjoying having access to a whole library of comics in one place. Without trying to debate the merits/legalities of “off the truck” cbr and cbz digital comics, an

Obviously I haven’t eaten every pizza in the UK, but of the probably 20 or so I’ve had in my time there, I haven’t found one yet that was above ‘edible.’ The Italian pizza thing is part of the problem. Italian pizza really developed concurrently with American style pizza and they influence one another, but should not

You need plex my friend.

This would have been a good opportunity for an electric fleet, even natural gas would have been better.

Did you literally not make it to the second sentence of my article

Counterpoint: Fuck this guy, Twin Peaks is pointless without context. The series is dense with its own logic and lore and cutting out any single part would cause the central narrative to crumble.

Is there one for Kinja sites yet?

By this logic... also don’t bring kids to schools, as many children can contain and harbor dangerous viri and backteria. Even Smallpox!

I’d love a post like this for men’s fashion. Sort of a comfy business casual thing. I work as a Director of Nutrition for a public school system. At times I am in meeting with the superintendent, other times I have a hairnet of and am mixing mashed potatoes. I was told that I need to dress professionally, but it get

Okay, I’ll bite.

It’s not uncommon for doors to be inoperable after an impact. This goes for all kinds of doors - even normal manual ones.