
I see his point. But I will continue to wait for sales for the following reasons:

It seems like there's a tendency to conflate game "journalism" with "criticism." In other fields these are separate: journalism is book reviews, while criticism is academic writing about books. Sure, journalism borrows language and ideas from the critical field, but in the end the goal of journalism is evaluation (how

At some point I downloaded a map pack for Doom3 that remade some Doom maps (I think it was called Classic Doom or something), but they didn't have all the maps converted. I wonder if they've finished...

Oh man, so many memories. I actually started with Doom II, just because that's what I had access to. I remember my parents made me take this computer repair class when I was a teenager (He likes computers? This sounds like a good structured activity!), the instructor was, now that I think back on it, probably just

Witcher 2

Wait, did they finally finish Xen? I played through what they had when it was first publicly released, but I've been waiting for Xen forever. I'd consider buying it if includes Xen.

OMG this was one of my favorite moves as a kid! <checks netflix>

This. A thousand times this.

Or even give it away (make the price super-cheap). Not alone of course, but along with more education (to reduce demand) increased enforcement (to increase the risk for poachers), flooding the market (reduce poacher's profits) could make poachers recalculate the risk/benefit analysis. Of course, it might be a problem

The problem with that is that the demand still exists, so if you reduce the existing stock, people will turn instead to the only other supply... living elephants.

Drugs are addictive, so that could actually increase demand in the long term. Although I guess it's possible releasing ivory onto the market could create some kind of fad for it and increase demand eventually.

Ummm, won't destroying all that ivory (reducing the supply) increase the price, making it even more profitable for poachers to poach?

This is actually a cardboard cutout.

"And so, I became a missionary for shrimpism"

Yeah, I think the reaction was out of proportion for a comment on gaming hardware. But it struck such a nerve because reliable high-speed internet tracks well with class in America. People who have it are in big cities (especially the coastal cities) and are more likely to be well-paid professionals to be able to

BioShock's manipulation may not have bothered some players as much as it did Hocking, but the fact remains that the game didn't neatly fold itself around the idea of player agency. For the focus of this article, let's put aside Hocking's larger critique. Even if we only focus on the harvest/save choice, BioShock fell

It's one of my favorite games of this generation. The gameplay is not exactly innovative, but it does what it does very solidly. The art direction is wonderful (look at that color palette; not every post-apocalyptic game has to be grey and brown!), and the writing is great. The developing dynamic between Trip and

"SteamOS will be available soon as a free download for users and as a freely licensable operating system for manufacturers," Valve writes. "Stay tuned in the coming days for more information."

I predict it'll be like the pre-policy change Xbox One, and people will love it.

The Xbox One is supposed to be a all-in-one entertainment device, so it'll take a while to set up everything they want to do on it. They need to set up contracts with the local cable providers, for example, and work with TV stations to build apps, all with the famously insular Japanese entertainment industry. Many