> (By the end of that message board thread, Lipschultz had been banned from NeoGAF.)
> (By the end of that message board thread, Lipschultz had been banned from NeoGAF.)
Psychos sending messages on the internet aren't likely to say such things in public. The mistake here, and what lets them 'win' is saying things like 'what is wrong with the rest of you?' They aren't the rest of anything. They are apart. They are the exception and the freak.
The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell. He (pen name) gets way into the physics behind combat assuming space-required velocities, as well as the changes in communication and and long-range travel. Half of the combat scenes are about knowing how to give commands to occur minutes from when they are given, and the use…
More like "Hey, I'm this total badass soldier and these sorry ass aliens ain't sh.....OH MY GOD IT HAS TENTACLES COMING OUT OF ITS FACE ABORT ABORT ABORT" - Me first time meeting The Flood.
I'd suggest that Halo actually has more explosions in it than most games. The key difference is that you, the player, are the one who triggers most of them.
This, fucking all of this, this is why I love Halo and hope to move from Gearbox to work for either Bungie or 343. I love the level design, I love the gunplay, I love sci-fi, but oh dear God do I adore their narrative and ability to make every bit of the game flow together so perfectly. everything just fits so well.
The great secret about first person shooters is that shooting is secondary—heck, it's right there in the name: first person shooter. The first-person perspective is paramount and benefits from motion. Playing an FPS is all about moving about and navigating a space. Long before you're even considering clicking on guys…
The waterfall was mind-blowing at the time. After years of Doom and Quake... it opened up a new non-brown world.
The original Unreal has held a special place in my heart and mind ever since I first played it. I always hold it up as a shining example of one of the greatest single player experiences in gaming history and how to build a world and tell a story effectively through the medium of video games.
This is what I read in my head and am going to stick with it and forever dream it until it comes true.
Even the games that LOOKED next-gen don't seem to be really next-gen (Second Son). The takeaway I'm getting from all this is that I need to upgrade my PC.
Agreed. I liked the depiction of Fitzroy in Infinite just fine. I don't understand why so many people felt her violent actions came out of the blue, because she's pretty unfriendly from the moment you first meet her. Revolutionaries aren't always noble people, as we've seen from many characters in the Bioshock games.…
(Here comes a small spoiler) Columbia revolutionary Daisy Fitzroy, we now learn, did not simply snap and take a child hostage in Infinite. No, she was convinced to do it by the Lutece twins because it would force Elizabeth to kill her, thereby making Elizabeth into the woman she would need to be in order for the rest…
Ladies and gentlemen...I give you...the FaceRift.
… the real dream is to tap into the brain, or to tap into the nervous system, and simulate these things
Ahh but "although it has many omissions, contains much that is apocryphal - or at least wildly inaccurate - it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important ways: first, it is slightly cheaper, and second, it has the words 'Don't Panic' inscribed in large, friendly letters on the cover." :D