
“Humor is the good natured side of a truth.” - quoted in Mark Twain and I, Opie Read

If it looks like dictator, swims like a dictator, and quacks like dictator, you are probably looking at a dictator.

Y’know, I am normally given to bloviation and extending a screed far past the point of serviceability, but in this case, I think a question others have asked will do:

“What if President Obama had said/done these things?”

Seriously. You’ll never get a coherent answer from the folks who still throw their entire support

It’s got that implant look, but it’s just a straight line across his forehead. Like if you asked for hair implants from a robot which was originally programmed to plant carrots.

This was way funnier than most of the stuff that made it to air.

There’s something vaguely sexist about SNL’s spin of the Trump WH ladies being unwilling pawns, with no agency of their own to be just as cynical, craven, and unconscionable as the men. Which in reality they are. Just look at Kellyanne Conway, there’s nothing in her career that suggests anything other than crass

My favorite thing to do when I walk by his house is to put up a mirror outside the fence and watch him run out and bark at it.

Can we talk about the hairline sitting next to him?

Sp he’s acting like a crisis has happened to him... hmm, I think I’ve heard a term for that recently.

Usually Kyle is much better, but that bit didn’t land at ALL. Colin and Che just weren’t playing their parts well enough or with the proper timing for it to come together properly.

I feel like I’ve heard something akin to that Waffle House joke at least one or two times before. Considering it was a part of Baldwin’s anti-inspired delivery, it didn’t land for me. I feel like Barkley did better than Baldwin.

I could have really done without that Kyle Mooney bit on Update. I know some people consider him to be a comedy genius, BUT DAMN!

Amazing! Out of all of the things that white people should be pressed about, Matt Damon being made fun of for playing a white savior in shitty movies is what pushed them over the edge. LOL!!

I will take Matt Damon’s white savior over traveling with Tom Hanks any day.

I think the point is that he’s always saving minorities, women, and if those individuals can’t help themselves or never thought to.

I am so here for any and all Matt Damon hate.

Ha, I watched ten minutes of The Great Wall on cable last night, knowing little about it. So... basically a lot of shitty lizard CGI? People enjoy this kind of thing?

Nun and other lay women/men can distribute communion as extraordinary minsters. Or, do you mean consecrate it?

Won’t sanction Russians, but will effectively sanction his own country. Ok.

And read the Gospel from the pulpit! Because apparently their women’s mouths aren’t holy enough or some shit.