
My guess is the shrooms were just enough to make someone very ill but not deadly, which is where the ‘trust me’ came in. I think the story was looking for us to want the guy dead for his selfish behavior. The story could have used more intrigue. It was too subtle.

The only memorable part of Eyes Wide Shut is the sex party. Always Sunny In Philadelphia did the best parody

I thought she was about to kill him and that HE WAS GOING TO LET HER. Imagine my disappointment.

She attempts to poison him to regain control over their relationship, but gets caught. She confesses, dude kinda digs it, and eats her poisoned food.

I kept expecting one of them to murder the other and was disappointed when it didn’t happen.

Agreed. I love it all.

I never watch E because I think they’re pretty awful at red carpet interviews, but watching Seacrest dodge accusations would be fun, but I still don’t want to watch E... It’s a tough decision.

This is probably not the point, but holy crap, Jennifer Lawrence is jaw droppingly stunning there.

Well, as someone who paid for the privilege of seeing Phantom Thread, I can say that when I got to the “twist”, I literally threw my hands up in the air and said, “That’s it? THAT is what this movie is about???”.

“I want to encourage all of my many Texas friends to vote in the primary for Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton. They are helping me to Make America Great Again! Vote early or on March 6th.”

His prediction will come true; to his dismay; when universal health care provides free; effective birth-control to every human past puberty.

“If all of us do all we can, we can once again, in our time, restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law,”

They can certainly afford to give more, but at least they’re giving something, I suppose.

I attended an ex’s wedding and had a wonderful time. I liked the bride and thought they were a good match. He and I were in a good place, and I was genuinely happy for them.

Right. Women have ownership of the historically most valuable natural asset (if you can call pussy an asset) and men have created entire industries around shaming women out of utilizing, monetizing, or otherwise benefiting from that ownership.

It pretty funny how blunt J-Law was about appeal of that movie on WTF? She say almost word-for-word, “Go see movie! Me naked it in! You get to see my boobs!”

Or the movie triggered her to where she just really didn’t want to relive what she’d been through.

Diana was, however, 20, when she tied the knot — Meghan will be almost 37 and is far more self-assured.

Diana definitely had self-esteem issues but her not wanting the ex of your new husband who is still screwing your new husband and welcomed YOU into his bedroom the first time you see is not really one.

I know that’s kind of a “thing” to dislike Jennifer Lawrence at the moment, but I genuinely like her. It must have been so strange for her to be dragged into the Weinstein allegations as a defender when she obviously hates him. Imagine having to come up with a proper soundbite decrying his actions off the cuff with no