
Because they are insecure in their own sexuality. It’s sad really. Just go be queer, and quit pestering every body about it already!

Content creators are so terrified of being bullied nowadays that if the question is asked is xxxx character gay? The answer is almost universally yes.

So, he fucks pandas?

You are a moron Mandelbaum. Go write fluff pieces on Kardashians for Jezebel - you have no business writing science articles. Pluto is the Ninth Planet, and in fact there may be as many 14. The new asteroid discovery is very interesting, as it points to there being even MORE worlds in our solar system than we had

But Planet X will have a notch and everyone will hate it for it.

So I see she’s already had some coffee.

This is retarded. These people broke the law while it was a law. If they abolish speed limits do I get my speeding ticket money back?

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Those are all Weather Channel generated, not urban. Bombogenesis particularly pisses me off. We were fine with Nor’easter for hundreds of years, then along comes 2017.

Everything is more dramatic in New York.

40mph gusts? We had that the other day, with sunny sky. But in a storm here in the Ozarks, we just call that a thunderstorm with straight line winds. No big deal.

I felt a deep, incredibly sad irony while I watched socialists protest at the Brandenburg gate in Berlin–they were literally standing on top of markers in the ground where the socialist government of East Germany killed people fleeing communism. I feel the same when I read this article; despite evidence to the

I bestow upon you my highest honor:

Grodd I hope not. That was one of Sandler’s worst movies.

What is the basis for your assertion that “Pro-Life” groups usually don’t give a shit about actual lives? Do you have data to back that up or are you just spewing nonsense? Off hand, it appears you are the one slinging “Bullshit”. Prove me wrong, show us the hard evidence that backs up your statement.

The fact that the author chose “Anti-Choice” shows their bias right off the gate. I don’t expect good journalism here. I get the opinion piece. But how can you not recognize an opinion piece? I can’t stand people refusing to understand the definition of bigotry around here.

Personally, I see no possible way one could confuse this with a kitten.

(To the tune of “Yesterday”)

Them: “The all-digital future will be great! No one needs physical media anymore! Get with the program, olds!”

Me: “You won’t own a damn thing you purchase (not that we did with physical media either; dem EULAs), and eventually, companies will start selling your childhood back to you via subscription services.”
