Anybody else remember the last time dem states flexed their states rights muscles?
Anybody else remember the last time dem states flexed their states rights muscles?
A squirrel has only two nuts unless I am sorely mistaken. How hard would it be to keep them organised?
This is exactly it. Socialists, be they democratic, communist or national all require one thing.... force. They refuse to acknowledge the gun in the room.
You could save time and just state the obvious.
Dishwashers aren’t actually watertight. Ask anyone that’s tried to use Dish soap in one.
Ugh. That guy. He’s the reason Dyson Spheres all suck now, you know.
Oh, they’re all the same. Good catch, though.
Who created the Dyson Sphere?
Wow, what a terrible person.
And helmets.
God bless the Mexican Air Force...
It may be said that natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinising, throughout the world, every variation, even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good; silently and insensibly working, whenever and wherever opportunity offers, at the improvement of each organic being…
What makes them crypto-capitalists? It seems pretty obvious that they admit to being capitalists, thus nothing secretive or crypto about it. Using crypto currencies doesn’t make you a crypto-capitalist. Words have meanings.
Guys, the Freudian Nightmare was supposed to be a parody of the “Bigger is Better” Imperial philosophy. You weren’t supposed to take it as a challenge.
Someone on YouTube called him Darth Ball, which has been my favorite so far.
Why do you hate Grandpa?
Aww, shit.
They subsist on wildflowers and kindness? You know they eat bird brains, right?
If this animal has an allergy to those wildflowers...