
I thought you guys wanted to silence views you disagreed with online.

Who comes up with these names?

Take two of these and for God’s sake don’t call at any time...

If salt makes up, on average, just 3.5% of seawater, how are they getting 1.5 liters of brine for every 1 liter of fresh water produced?

Now playing

It’s time to level up brethren, sithren, acquaintances of in-determinant identities...

A) Flying cars are not cars. They are copters, Heli, quad, tilt-rotor, or however many propulsive units it has or whatever you want to call it. And they have been around for the better part of a century. Once you can fly from point a to point b, at well over a hundred miles an hour, why would you also want or need to

So Tony Stark’s bodyguard/personal assistant is now free to hit on Aunt May full time now? Where are the oversized checks coming from?

In the following months, researchers monitored the links participants posted on Facebook. They compared those links with a list of websites based on the fake news sites list that BuzzFeed assembled for its in-depth analysis on how “fake news” outperformed “real news” on Facebook prior to the election.

So... what did they say?

If the Quran is supposed to save souls, what have they against reminding people of it while saving soles from a wet floor?

“When we set out to create a platform for people to express themselves, we never expected people to express themselves in ways we’d disagree with...”

That assumes that nothing breaks apart to replenish them.

I hope you have at least as much bile for those who captured and trafficked African slaves from their native land as you do for the guy who ended US involvement in the slave trade. 

That’s cathartic.

Who doesn’t want to see two real dogs kiss over a plate of spaghetti?

Oh no... someone used the free exchange of ideas against us... we must kill it.

What? No feathers?