
Reality-altering substances and rocket surgery do not mix well...

Contrary to the opinions in some circles, humans generally like living, and will go to great lengths to live better than before, and mineral deposits play a big role in living better, particularly when used in quantities large enough to be considered “real estate”. 

It’s so nice of Hollywood to rehash this tale once a decade for this... 

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Alright, now they are just trying make devices destined to be deposited into KitiBank...

But colonization on our own planet led to the genocide and displacement of cultures and people, economic inequity, and the destruction of environments. What lessons from Earth’s colonialist tragedies can we apply to our interplanetary future?

I was thinking the same. Last I knew, rabies testing involved the removal of the head and an invasive examination of the brain.

So, on top of self-driving car technology that actually works, they’ll also need to develop some means of hosing off the interior after every trip.

Does this sound like any functioning democracy you’ve ever heard of?

Gizmodo Media Group: Global Warming... uh... climate change is totally real and out to kill us all and not a cultish scam.

Bitcoin... the new earwax...

If you’ve ever thought to yourself... “Self, this Bond film would be more enjoyable if James pooped on the bad guys car”, then this is clearly the film for you.

The thought of 8k video makes me happy.


It’s like Social Security.... for Rats!

The over $6 billion dollars in revenue the BLM collects annually from the assorted grazing, logging, mining, and energy permits that it sells should tell you that the only conspiracy theory here is that no one wants that land.

Well, there is a big difference between grabbing a few hundred acres, and few million acres.

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It’s about time Ensign Ricky got his own show...

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Even if you are successfully thawed, and a cure for your disease exist, there is no guarantee that you will get it...  

Can they definitively conclude that whomever smelt it, dealt it?