Michael Fay

I think he just wants cheat codes and this is the easiest way to get them.

People forget the shooter in Aurora had a bullet proof vest on so if the other moviegoers were armed, AKA an NRA wet dream, they would have gotten a shot or two off, accomplished nothing, and still died. Great plan 45.

Hopefully these kids who will be able to vote in the mid-terms, and then the kids who will be able to vote in 2020, can help enact real change not just on the Federal Level but the local and state level also.

How long does a background check take? Why was he hired before it was done? What if they found something, let’s pretend for a second, that would have prevented him from working close to the President AFTER HE WORKED CLOSELY WITH THE PRESIDENT?!?! You can’t get hired at my job without a background check and there are

I guess that’s the 2017 version of falling and hitting a door.

I’m not even sure I believe her name is Omarosa, let alone any of the nonsense she said on her latest reality show appearance. She is an awful human being and I have no sympathy for her. Maybe Ivanaka can help her look up the definition of complicit.

I want this to happen and then have the White House justify the cost as long as there is a single veteran that is homeless. I want them to say we spent millions on a silly show but the Democrats did “fill in the blank”. The saddest part is that people will say “Yeah, boo Democrats!”

This should be required reading for all the people who will ask “Will Mariano be the first player to receive 100% of the vote?” and then ask it again when Jeter is on the ballot. As long as people send in blank ballots or only vote for the players who played in the town they live in nobody will get 100% of the vote.

She has a point since politics and music never crossed paths before 2017, right? What’s that? They have crossed paths much MUCH earlier than 2017. Ok, sorry.

I love that apparently hinting at the president being complicit in school shootings, which is a stretch at best, is outrageous while at the same time the Trump Re-election Campaign can put out a commercial saying that the Democrats position on immigration makes them complicit in every crime committed by an immigrant.

I can understand old newsmen and NPR hosts talking like this but are we expected to believe that professional athletes don’t respect women?? Shocking!

He said he was bringing Christmas back, not Hanukkah so whatever. Why would he invite 97% of the Jewish members of Congress to a party for their holiday or even decorate for it? He cut the guest list from 1,700 to 300 so someone had to go.

I guess it’s creepy enough for him to ask staffers to be a surrogate for him and his wife but there has to be more to it, right? Maybe he said “Be a surrogate or you’re fired” or be a surrogate so I can have sex with you, ummm to make a baby for me and my wife. Yeah, that’s it.”

Wait. Brian Kilmeade wrote a book??

Can someone explain what happens with the lottery system? I doubt you apply, win the lottery and get a Green Card without at least some checking into who you are, right? 45 is making it seem like it’s a swinging gate and anyone can get in. Is anything that easy?

There is no doubt that what Weinstein did was horrible and he deserves every negative thing that has happened or will happen to him but I have a few questions. 30+ women accused Bill Cosby of doing similar things and he still has a lot of defenders who don’t get the venom that Weinstein defenders have gotten. We also

Will the NFL hire extra security to elect grabs who don’t stand and remove their caps to honor the country? Will they suspend beer sales during the anthem? Will pigs fly?

I guess he’s correct. Has any other President messed up as many things as he has in their first 9 months? That’s an accomplishment.

Is she related to Mike Huckabee because... Huh? She is? Ok forget that joke. Why is the White House acting like the ESPN HR department now? What do they know about fire able offenses anyway?