Michael Fay

I’m sure the “fake news” will report the facts, like the surge of young immigrants who flooded the border in 2012 aren’t eligible for DACA as well as all the other eligibility rules built in to the Executive Order, but the question is will Fox News fact check Session’s speech? I know the answer but it’s fun to ask

To put two Founding Fathers, including the author of the Declaration of Independence, in the same breath as two treasonous Generals is mind boggling for anyone to do. To see and hear the President of the United States as those questions, and kindly remind everyone that Washington and Jefferson owned slaves, is so far

Keep an eye out for Gavin Newsom

Parents can definitely send their kids to that school as long as it gets no funding from the Federal government. That fact that Devos couldn’t say that, or didn’t really know the answer, is disgusting. I’m sure that kids who go to a school that discriminated against LGBT children or children from LGBT families won’t

I’m a little shaken by the fact that Steven A. Smith made more sense than anyone on the panel. What a world.

Drugs are bad and a wall will stop prescription drug abuse because, ummm, the prescription pads are printed in Mexico. Yeay, that’s it! No pads = no prescriptions = no drug abuse (despite the fact that prescriptions are electronic now and wall won’t stop the biggest issue). Please don’t try and bring logic and

It’s bad enough he had no real idea what we did but should the President be that amazed that our weapons do what they are supposed to do? It sounds like he wanted to have sex with the cake. I wonder if he did. I’ll have to check Maria Bartiromo’s follow up question.

The problem with that logic is when people compare it to 2009 and the ACA they act as if ti never happened OR it was 1000 times worse than what’s being done now. I guess giving coverage to people is worse than taking it away in their eyes. If they just said they plan to make America Great again is Darwinism and this

It’s encouraging to see that one proposal to “protect” use from those horrifying illegal immigrants that only come through the southern border will actually make us less safer. Nobody dangerous ever flies here or comes by boat. Who knew National Security was so complicated?

Did you know uranium is used for the nuclear and other things? Bad things!


It’s actually “bad hombres”

You are not counting the people dressed as the sidewalk or the grass or the people who are invisible or there in spirit.

An honest to goodness sports writer wants to paint every player from 1990-2003 as a potential PED user? Really? What country do we live in? Even if 70℅ used at some point how many were at Hall of Fame level? That idea is insanely unfair. Maybe his voting privileges should be revoked.

I guess everyone who is upset with what John Lewis said regarding Trump’s legitimacy were also upset at the guy who questioned President Obama’s legitimacy to be President. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Donald Trump. what ever happened to that guy and all the people who criticized his claims?

Imagine if, in the last six years, the opposition voted to fix what was broken with the law while strengthening what worked well instead of voting 60 times to repeal it with a replacement being “something better”. Of course since they have health care who gives a shit about those who don’t.

I guess throwing unsubstantiated rumors about the birthplace of a thoroughly vetted, legally elected President are OK but doing something similar about the following President are awful, shocking and will lead to the downfall of a free press. OK, got it. Can someone remind me where the outrage from the right came

Is the Presidency really a task or is it a 24/7 365 job that he is woefully unequipped for?

I can lend him my Schoolhouse Rock DVD’s so he can learn how the government works on his level.