Michael Fay

I love how well these guys all spell. CIVAL! Redeculous! They seem more likely to forget the gun is loaded, look down the barrel and pull the trigger to check than to do anything else. 

The people who use the word socialism, or more accurately cry socialism, don’t know what those word mean and most likely haven’t even heard of Karl Marx.

Remind me again why a lot of women don’t come forward when they’re sexually assaulted? Is it because they take too long to report it or were they asking for it or were they wearing something that was asking for it or are they just gold diggers?

Republican State Senator Mark Pody, who sponsored the bill, told CNN, “I still have not heard a valid argument in terms of why one bad act should kill somebody else.” Tennessee has the Death Penalty so someone please get to Senator Pody and ask him one bad act should kill someone else?

While we should continue to worry about our idiotic reality TV President we can’t forgot about the other Reality TV idiots serving in Congress, and their spouses. if everyone can attack the Democratic Presidential candidates for the things they said 30 years ago can we attack these to numbskulls for what they did on Th

I totally forgot there was a new White House Press Secretary. You’d figure this weekend was a good time to have heard from her, no?

Gatorade was invented in 1965. Ned Yost was a rookie in 1980. This is”back in my day” thinking in it’s purest form.

How many white Europeans are in those camps?  I’m asking for a friend?

Couldn’t you have made your argument without replaying one of the darkest moment in Knicks history?  Now I’m sad.

Oh, I see. The doctored Pelosi video was humor and parody. Does that mean that Fox News is actually in competition with Comedy Central as opposed to CNN or MSNBC because most of their host are just joking when they say vile, hateful things?

So our dear leader wants to prohibit migrants from seeking asylum if they have resided in a country other than their own before coming to the U.S. Ummm, if they didn’t reside in another country then they wouldn’t be migrants, right?  RIGHT??

I was wondering how people like Rick Perry and Ben Carson could still have their jobs and at the time the answer was because they haven’t really done anything. Now we have the Ben Carson Oreo fiasco but, not to be outdone, here comes Rick Perry swooping in and renaming Natural Gas as Freedom Gas which contains Freedom

I’m “Thomas has been on the court for years and has never said anything” years old. Good times.

Maybe Joe Biden should just say that when he touches someone’s shoulder or smells their hair it’s just locker room stuff. That’s what Trump did when it came out that he grabbed women by the pussy and everyone seemed OK with it. Yes, he’s not the perfect candidate but who is? Everyone has baggage and if he’s the one

If they wanted to put Trump’s face on the $20 bill it would be out tomorrow.

Imagine if someone said pleading the fifth means you’re guilty. Who would say something like that? Who?? Oh, I know who said that! President Trump did. I guess his son is guilty then.

Rizzo is an awful GM and the fact that he’s still there after all of their playoff failures is amazing. Having said that the National are an example of when Moneyball goes wrong. thinking they can replace a player with a cheaper version and get close tot he same production is tough to sustain. If they let Rendon go

Stuart Varney lived in this country for over 40 years before he bothered to become a citizen. Can someone check him out to make sure he’ got here the right way and deport him if he didn’t. It’s the right thing to do, isn’t it?

It could be Rey, it could be Kylo Ren or it could be someone else.

It’s going to show that everything with Russia really did happen but Trump didn’t know about any of it because he’s an idiot. He’ll throw everyone around him under the bus but pardon his kids.  His supporters will be fine with it because he was “duped” and loves his family.  Ugh.