Michael Fay

I Was going to say the same thing about the AOC comparison from him. How anyone can argue that a mass shooting perpetrated by an American could have been stopped by a border wall is among the most ridiculous things ever said in Congress. The people didn’t come from another country. The guns didn’t come from another

Didn’t they say that the cost of Viagra for the military was WAY higher than the cost of any transgender procedures? I may be wrong but it that’s true then the whole medical cost argument would be garbage, right?

Are you saying that knocking on a door and yelling that you’re coming in is not enough warning for the person inside to put on a shirt or, maybe, say don’t come in yet? What world do you live in? The real one?

I won’t pretend to know every vile thing Steve King has said over the years but the two or three I know about are awful enough that to just call him a racist is going easy on him. He may have been pushing for tougher immigration laws for years but saying that those people will dilute the white race is a racist way of

Why does he put his name in quotes? “Trump” Is that no this name?  Is his name really Drumpf?  Ooooohhhhh!

This might be even more controversial that AOC dancing in college. The behavior of Liberals and progressives continues to be troubling to the cabal of old men trying to run the country.

So the president and his minions are saying that there is no security at the border right now, and without this funding we will be invaded by hoards of immigrants. How do they explain the fact that we haven’t been invaded by immigrant hoard up until Dumb Donald took office? Did Obama take the security with him back to

I’m sure there was one or two people but they’re OK Now.

Does he really think people are judging him based on his name and not the awful things his administration is doing? Is he that delusional? That was a rhetorical question that needs no answer.

The only good thing about her winning is that now there is no confusion over whether Mississippi is a racist state. It is clear that it is.

Single mothers in Congress!!! Those children will grow up without fathers and will end up........most likely being better off than the kids of some of the dinosaurs in congress now.

It’s fine that he’s never heard of Stan Lee but when you’re told someone died and your first response is “Who cares” that just heartless. Especially when later on he said he’s taken his kids to the Marvel movies. He’s an out of touch goon.

All he has to do to protect his sons is tell them to do the opposite of what their father and grandfather have done. if they follow that advice they will be good to go.

Once John McCain died Lindsey lost his familiar and became untethered to reality.  He’s lost.

Wow. I guess the author and the commentors didn’t listen to what Keith said. he said you have to make him uncomfortable and hit him in the back or the butt, not in the elbow with the intent to injure. He also pointed out that in his day hitters would know it was coming and be ready to try and get out the way. Players

To say she won’t release the tape because it sets the expectation for survivors of all kinds of abuse to have to prove their stories is pretty scary. if you accuse someone of something terrible you should have to prove it, right?

One of the issues with any professional sports Hall of Fame is the question of “Is the player a Hall of Famer or not”? It should be a pretty easy question but sometimes, due to numbers or pissy sportswriters, it isn’t. MLB only has 10 spots on the ballot so if 11 guys should go in then one guy will be left off. the

Now playing

This is probably better suited for a closer but it could work as walk up music.

Is that how he said it at the speech when people discovered he had fake teeth?  “god blesh the United shashe”