
I’m building a new PC (started mid december) and I everytime I looked to buy the GPU it’s always back order or way overpriced :(

I was only able to watch 5 minutes of that video, that guy is just annoying, not even funny at all.

Best theory!

That’s one of the reasons I stopped playing Overwatch, unless I wasn’t fast enough I would always play as Mei. Got reported by annoying kids that think they’re the shit and that they know everything. They would yell for the whole game to switch to another character, Mei sucks, bla bla bla and then report me and spam

I think i figured out how they hire “writers” at Kotaku. They put a bunch of people in a room and the recruiter starts yelling “trigger words”. The people that starts crying the most are hired.

I remember a few years ago a guy on instagram was claiming he was working at a company i won’t name. He was saying he was a game designer, never posted photos of his face, but always some behind the scenes photos of some guy that never facing the camera. He was claiming that he was designer on all of that company’s

I know about a few incidents like that, that happened in two big videogames companies.

More like Heroes of Wellfare, amirite!?

ok. I shave my head once or twice a year. I guess i’ll start making a big thing out of it.

I try to avoid anything where people can comment about a project I worked on or even the company I work for. It’s like 90% negative stuff and it gets old real fast.

But, what is going to happen to the Mario Bros movie then? He was a plumber in it!!!

Awesome it’s like Tomb Raider but you play as a woman. oh, wait...

How dare they objectify him. :(

I have him tattooed as a zombie. He makes a good one :P

How’s life in hipster town?

Can’t wait to see an article about the size of Wonderwoman’s tits.... oh wait.

Just like my Galaxy s7 Edge.

Oh no, wait. The drop was less than a feet and it didn’t survive. :(

You shouldn’t assume their gender!

how is there a curvature if the earth is flat?

I don’t know, that photo looks like a really bad photoshop job.