
Not only that, but he later said that some of the Kurds were worse than ISIS. He’s trying to justify his dumbfuck decision by saying our allies actually deserve to be abandoned and slaughtered.

“Damn, James, I was ready.”

At times, I sometimes feel as if the Clapback is not needed. I wonder if we are giving trolls, bigots, racists and downright low-functioning attention whores what they want more then money and power, attention that they can use to fuel their rage and to share with their like-minded kin about how the ‘nergos’ have

Damn, that story was triggering. Harriot got me having flashbacks and shit.

I wish I had a Mrs. Sellers tell it like it is. All the Black teachers I had hated Black kids because they had apartments on Randalls Island or in Westcheter and felt they ‘came up’. These uppity negroes despised the fact they had to come into

This should be plastered on billboards and signs. I never understood how its people think its “ok” to go thru someones phone or computer because you “think” something is going on.

Looking for a way out of the relationship I would guess

Possibly a more pressing question: what are you doing snooping on your partner's phone?

They’re afraid of just how exactly they got all that.

The snake that ate its tail, and then vomited up its own butt.

Motherfuckers are playing checkers but they imprisoned the black pieces and tried to deport the red pieces

It’s part and parcel of Trump’s standard strategy.

Holy shit, that’s amazing! There’s no bottom to that pig D’Souza.

I’m dying laughing at how stupid you are.

I can’t wait to shit on McConnell’s grave.

If you constantly worry about having to “dumb down” your writing, you’re a bad writer.

One thing I discovered years ago that has only been reinforced repeatedly is that little kids like talking to me partly because I use the exact same language with them as I do with adults. I don’t change my tone and I don’t simplify my word choices. They might have to ask me what a word means, but, you know, they

I get the idea of calling folks on being pretentious, however dumbing down your language skills so you don’t appear to be elitist is short-minded. Yes some people get offended because I use words they don’t understand but this in English and not everything needs to be expressed solely in lyrics from a country or rap

Maroon 5 really isn’t that bad