
Chicagoan here, living next to a large freshwater body is going to be hugely beneficial in 50 years.

Everything about the perverse puritanical stranglehold this country is locked in is sad.

Tits are more offensive than guns.  Fuck this country.

Jailing librarians. Let that one sink in.

Please ban the bible.

I feel “The Detour” is an already good TV version of “Vacation”

It’s a lot more complex than “believer” and “skeptic” makes it seem, honestly. It’s more X-Files than, say, Joan of Arcadia. I went in assuming the worst, and it’s one of my favorite shows of the fall. (It’s also from Robert and Michelle King of The Good Wife/The Good Fight, so the writing’s typically great.)

This country loves guns more than life itself.

I met Acevedo once. His passion is genuine.

Whose side are you on? Gun manufacturers, the gun lobby—or the children that are getting gunned down in this country every single day?”

Does it hurt, troll? Does it hurt to be that stupid?

Cocaine’s a hell of a drug...

YES. Just when you thought this show couldn’t be any better. And it cemented my head-canon thought that Baby Yoda’s Mandalorian is a future incarnation of Jason Mendoza.

One hour in and I’m all like just let Filoni and Favreau do all the Star War from now on.

That’s about 100% improved. We need to go see this film the first weekend, if for no other reason than... A Hollywood studio fucking listened to it’s fans for once. We will also need to skip TROS for the exact opposite reason. :)

I honestly think it’s a brilliant bit of satire, myself. In theory, you’re rewarded for good deeds, and penalized for bad deeds. But there appears to be no cut-off in the causal chain. In law, there’s actually a doctrine which deals with this. The Good Place is essentially relying on a particularly punitive form of

I too work in finance and when I tell people this they assume we are all crooks. I asked someone that said this to me “Do you feel the police are crooks?” The response was no, I responded saying there are stricter controls and harsher disciplinary standards in my profession than there are in law enforcement. If I

So when white, cultist polygamists and their multitude of sister-wives and cousin-kids in magic undies take up residence in another country and are murdered, the United States offers to wage war on their behalf?

Especially if he has two Death Stars painted on his X-Wing. 

The only thing I can think of is if a woman who’s had some bad experiences with men needs to hire a person for an intimate job like a caretaker or maintenance with intimate access to a person and their home.