
Nick Cannon doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing.  Em would mop the floor with his ass.  Did he not see 8Mile?  Dude needs to go put on 8mile watch it and shut the fuck up.

Why is this a civil case and not a criminal case? If things happend the way she describes that’s definitely a crime that should be tried in a criminal court.  Sort of makes me wonder about the strength of whatever evidence she may have.

I’m not going to change the words i use to accommodate adults with the vocabulary of 3rd graders. 

I get unlimited PTO so no i never use them all  

None of the Televisons seen in the video are rear-projection Televisions or use projection of any kind.  There just CRT tube Televisions.  Kids these days I tell ya!

So money is money and all things being equal more people watch mens soccer than womans soccer. Not just the world cup games but over all broadcasts more people watch mens soccer. That makes the mens team more profitable and as a result the mens team gets paid more gets more endorsement deals etc.  Sure the women make

Why is this here at the top navigation of this site? An article written 1 and a half years ago. Seems a but suspicious given that Ansari has a new Netflix special coming out in a week....  maybe someone wants to portray Ansari in a negative light?


how much weight does the roof of that new passport hold???

At least now we know that Seth Rogan was born to voice a warthog!  Really perfect casting on that!

Thank You so much for this!  Was the first thing that popped into my head when i started reading!

The vision he had when Scarlet Witch touched him in Ultron?  Im going to have to give that another look...

Fast forward to nine months from now when we start hearing about the Amtrack Train Babies!

I know this place, used to do IT work for them.  Zach has an eye for these things and yes he doesnt actually think it will sell for 500K  just trying to get folks into the showroom!

The song playing during the video sounds like “Tar Paper Stomp” which dates from the 1930s. So your suspicion seems even more likely now.

Found him!