Aaaand Activision legal take down hits.
Oh China, can’t you do anything that’s not a rip-off?
Aaaand Activision legal take down hits.
Oh China, can’t you do anything that’s not a rip-off?
Ford has good design language across their product line, product cohesion, etc. The other guys just make a random assortment of cars with a hodgepodge of designs. There’s nothing from GM or Fiat that communicates their brand identity.
I play Destiny PvP with a gang of 30 and 40 something year old tech dads and we WRECK all the xX420WEEDMAS3RXx crews. But we play control.
Man, at this point I assume Konami is just run by ancient salrymen who have no clue about digital ANYTHING. Every night shambling home after hours of binge drinking with their peers, telling themselves that this new pachinko strat will pay off not realizing or not caaring that they just alienated not only every gamer…
What do you call someone who speaks more than two languages? Multi-lingual.
What do you call someone who speaks two? Bi-lingual.
What do you call someone who speaks one? American.
How many languages do you speak, other than ‘murikan?
Trailer dialog written by Chad “Edgelord” McDouchebro, marketing major , Esq.
I’ve got a number of systems sitting on Windows 8 at home due to Media Center. And they are not auto updating.
Maybe it;s smart that way? Because if my HTPC auto updated to Win 10. The rage. Oh....the rage.
Super white fat-ass gamer dad here.
1) I feel sorry for folks that get upset that there are brown people (or OMG! women!) in games.
2) the developers were wrong to pull this from the workshop. This clearly falls into freedom of speech territory as a creative work by the mod author. It is a silly mod, but it’s their…
Impreza 2.5 RS
I love how the pre-rendered cut scenes of yesteryear look weak compared to real-time modern in-engine effects. The future is awesome.
Dead on man. Reach and ODST were the best, IMO.
The 343 entries are all a big bag of “meh.”
“—Because we just want the series to die.”
LOL. Why? I mean, you don’t play it. Why the fuck do you care if others enjoy it? Who made you and your ilk the fucking gatekeepers of what others may or may not like?
Here’s the problem: in olden days life sucked for everyone except an elite few. And even they died of horribly mundane things.
This sounds like “Peasant Simulator”
Yet here you are, a reader.
Same here. Ordered on launch day. No data on availability.
But what do you expect from a newb company bought out by a personal data exaggerator that doesn’t know shit about retail?
NoA is a wholly owned subsidiary of “Nintendo.” It is Nintendo.
WTF ever, edgelord.
Yep. I like to go carting. I am a fat-ass. Being a fat-ass is a real disadvantage, even when I hit my line every time.