
How? A friend of mine was killed by a DUI. The guy got 4 years. Unfortunately he’ll be out soon or already is.

The Eastside (Bellevue, Redmond, etc) is plastered with traffic cameras. Where did this happen?


Plus, Trying really hard to like The Division. But the setting of near future really nerfs the suspension of disbelief. A punk in a hoodie with a bat should not, ever, be a bullet sponge. And yet they are in The Division. Add in the janky shooting...and argh.

Ahhh. Good old security theater ...

I’m really trying to like it. Destiny did a good job (IMO) with the “space magic” to justify the, well, magic of how stuff works.

But The Division is set in the very near future.

Being a government employee that has to use a “crafting station” is silly. You know what a crafting station is IRL? You fill out a fucking

LOL. That’s way to optimistic.

The USAF, USN and USMC, jealous of the Armys Bradley Fighting Vehicle dumpster fire and epic notoriety decided to do one better.

Hence: the F-35. The jet that sucks at everything it tries to do other than consume cash.

Yep. I’ve got an SLI 980ti rig and this games perf does not match what I see on the screen. How they make my GPUs scream while putting such vanilla visuals on the screen is a real mystery.

LOL. The Division, just like Destiny minus the tight shooter mechanics and varied character build options.

I literally laughed when I saw a “crafting” table in the beta that wasn’t merely “submit a no-bid contract to a defense contractor.” SO dumb.

My fav part of this game is where you craft the rocket you use to loft the GPS constellation. Then you craft a “foxconn” and build your naviagtion unit using captured children. Awesome. ;-)

Or.... they loved the concept art of AC enough to put it in the game as a piece of actual ART. After all, there’s plenty of free art they could have used. It’s not like the would have had to look very far for some vanilla landscape imagery to stuff up there.

I’m pretty sure that before every game he chants to himself ”up up down down left right left right b a select” over and over again.

SAAB : abandoned in a ditch by jets.

That would be both totally WRONG and EPIC at the same time.

Considering that this title can flog a 980ti SLI setup (my PC) I’m surprised it looks as good as it does right now on the xb1.

What’s with the janky web player?

LOL. Apparently there are waxing services in Skyrim and post-apocalyptic America. Whoda thunk it?

Current GeForce software supports recording. Install GeForce Experience, while not as convenient as voice on xbone it gets the job done.

Both consoles rely on weak-ass AMD APUs. Sony has a few more shaders so that can do weak-ass 1080p vs. weak-ass 900p.

Don’t ever change.

But then again, if you want, you can always give every shitware title a “95%” and rake in the sweet sweet marketing junket swag.

How’s Skyrim at 4K on the console? How’s that console mod community? ENBs? Oh. Wait.