
It’ll still be a game where you press “1,2,3,4,1,2,3,5!,2,3,4” and that “5” is the “Strategy.”

Beyond that it’s RNG all the way. The fact that you cannot dodge a ranged attack tells you that and I don’t see them changing it.

LOL at the Dudebro commentator voice. Why not go all in with “sick snipe, brah!”

Not just any team, a TIGER TEAM.

Bethesda deserves to be ridiculed for this. It’s fucking retarded.

“ground pound”

You mean Fist of Havoc Lite?

Yes...looking at my Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS setup I laugh at the folks whining about this controller.

Cry as someone who gives a shit.

Then don’t play those games. Vote with your wallet. Done.

They obviously didn’t press “1,2,3,4,5” fast enough.

Accounts found to be in violation may be actioned appropriately. “

“actioned” is not a fucking word. You got an email from a PMTard.


Smoker? I did IT crap in my youth and in my youth people smoked at work. Repairing OG IBM PCs tortured by accounts receivable hags in their all day chain smoking paper pushing pits of despair taught me that cigarettes + computers == fuck this job I quit.

For a journalist you sure have trouble with the English. So I’ll translate.

Not if they’re fake....

Um. Chances are he can’t get a license due to the chance of having a seizure while driving. Which would be bad.

Still, his experience sucks.

There was an epic reddit dump from some bungie insider spilling the dirt on the last minute exodus of their story guy and a massive re-strcuture of the lore and story.

Presto: DLC pack bonanza and a poorly delivered and confused story.

Dead on. They could get James Earl Jones, Patrick Stewart AND Ian McKellen to read the dialog and it would still suck. Although having ghost with multiple personalities and those three voices would be funny. Just let those guys ad-lib.

“those are extreme tactics”

That explains it then. Thanks!

So the Ember Island Players are holding auditions?

Why the ban on weed? It’s not exactly a performance enhancer. Just more reefer madness.

Wait... so wolf guy chases after worm guy even though all of worm guys allies are RIGHT FUCKING THERE? Am I missing something subtle here other that wolf guys idiocy?