
One billion miles!

In the real-world, this news will fizzle out pretty quickly. Okay, so Superman is a city beat reporter for a local newspaper? So what? People would try to interview Ma Kent, comedians would make fun of the glasses, Fox News would say this is just another reason to not trust mainstream media, Gawker would search for

It hardens what I thought about Dinklebot: It’s not the actor, it’s the direction. The result is exactly what Bungie wants, and what Bungie wants sucks.

“we’ve woken the haters!”

As a spectator, you have vision of everyone. The wolf on the other hand had no vision of the area above.

not even one day after Julius Kivimaki was given a two year suspended sentence and walked off laughing, the LS twitter feed boasted about how they had a free pass. lo and behold, away they go. thousands of peoples lives inconvenienced by these little pricks.

I read a rumor a while ago that due to how activision wanted to handle the content stream of the game a massive amount of content was gutted from the initial release of Destiny including a lot of voicework by Peter Dinklage. So they had to re-record a lot of stuff and also cut a ton in order to eliminate confusion

The Chrysler 200 looks amazing in the same way a bowl of oatmeal looks amazing.