
Very good point. “Brand new character is black person shocker!” shouldn’t be a headline in 2016.

That’s not a twist. It’s a casting decision for a new character. A twist might have been recasting the old character with an African-American woman.

One billion miles!

It’s particularly infuriating considering that Adam and Jaime are expert craftsmen in their field and not failed actors or wannabe celebrities. Watching them find creative solutions to conquer insane engineering challenges is what made the show interesting.

Thank you, sir. Came here to comment much the same thing, but you beat me to it.

This Tunnel Put Together Like Lego Bricks Impossibly Sticks Together with No Support

In Swedish, “fart” means “speed,” and there are signs at speed bumps that read “farthinder.” So maybe this Eystein was just fast?

The Kingsman church scene was the first to wow me in a long time.

In the real-world, this news will fizzle out pretty quickly. Okay, so Superman is a city beat reporter for a local newspaper? So what? People would try to interview Ma Kent, comedians would make fun of the glasses, Fox News would say this is just another reason to not trust mainstream media, Gawker would search for

It hardens what I thought about Dinklebot: It’s not the actor, it’s the direction. The result is exactly what Bungie wants, and what Bungie wants sucks.

“we’ve woken the haters!”

I’m so WEARY of these assholes. This is supposed to be FUN. It isn’t supposed to be a long, bitter war. I hope the Puppies are fucking trounced in disgrace at the Hugo’s. I hope “no award” wins for most of the categories they flooded. As wonderful as that will be it will just make them more bloodthirsty, bigoted and

As a spectator, you have vision of everyone. The wolf on the other hand had no vision of the area above.

I still deeply love the fact that McKay’s sister is Hewlett’s sister, and that early in the series there was a throwaway line about McKay’s “brother,” that he asked to change to “sister” in case they ever used the character so they could use his sister to play his sister, and years later they did that. Nothing beats

not even one day after Julius Kivimaki was given a two year suspended sentence and walked off laughing, the LS twitter feed boasted about how they had a free pass. lo and behold, away they go. thousands of peoples lives inconvenienced by these little pricks.

I read a rumor a while ago that due to how activision wanted to handle the content stream of the game a massive amount of content was gutted from the initial release of Destiny including a lot of voicework by Peter Dinklage. So they had to re-record a lot of stuff and also cut a ton in order to eliminate confusion

Neat article. I’d like to add that Master Locks are crap. Their best ones still have stupid vulnerabilities that are easy to fix but the cut corners. Namely a simple spinning anti drill plate would fix one major vulnerability. A thicker hex shackle would help and high shoulders to prevent bolt cutters from even

Reading some of the comments here....Somewhere in a village they are missing an Idiot!

The Chrysler 200 looks amazing in the same way a bowl of oatmeal looks amazing.