
I love how dinosaurs are unstoppable in movies. Shoot them with guns that’d punch through 1/4" plate steel and they bounce off. Because Hollywood.

So much this. I enjoyed clone wars, it’s a regular re-watch in my household. But my boys and I just could not get into Rebels.

That would be both totally WRONG and EPIC at the same time.

Considering that this title can flog a 980ti SLI setup (my PC) I’m surprised it looks as good as it does right now on the xb1.

Well, if you’re being nit picky those should be lions or cheetahs.

But, yeah. Go look a fucking gazelle. They’re pretty damn lean which is why they can run fast.

LOL. It’s pretty much obvious what the filmmakers are trying to do here. But whatever.

What’s with the janky web player?

Since methane is way worse than CO2, why don’t they just light that thing?

Why not change the title to: “Learn the one weird trick ANCIENT ROME does’t want you to know!”

You, sir, win the internet of knowing.

LOL. Apparently there are waxing services in Skyrim and post-apocalyptic America. Whoda thunk it?

Only if you were a PC user. Amiga and Atari ST users had no problems with cat gifs.

Did they get those eyes at the local craft store? LOL. So much derp.

LOL. Assuming AirBus and/or Boeing allow it.

LOL. Erdogan is such a thin-skinned perpetually butt-hurt little bug of a man it’s comical.

Current GeForce software supports recording. Install GeForce Experience, while not as convenient as voice on xbone it gets the job done.

I’ll LMAO if in the end it goes to Chris Pratt.

Both consoles rely on weak-ass AMD APUs. Sony has a few more shaders so that can do weak-ass 1080p vs. weak-ass 900p.

Who da man? YOU DA MAN!

Don’t ever change.

But then again, if you want, you can always give every shitware title a “95%” and rake in the sweet sweet marketing junket swag.