
Because JJ. Can’t wait for the Rambaldi Device/Red Matter/Rabbits Foot “mystery box” bullshit to be revealed.

I’m always blow away by the interior volume in Skylab.

“But there’s growing concern in the military establishment that as laser weapons tech becomes more advanced and cheaper, they could one day be used against Americans.”

Which is why they need to grope your pants and read your email. To keep you “safe.”

How’s Skyrim at 4K on the console? How’s that console mod community? ENBs? Oh. Wait.

It’ll still be a game where you press “1,2,3,4,1,2,3,5!,2,3,4” and that “5” is the “Strategy.”

Beyond that it’s RNG all the way. The fact that you cannot dodge a ranged attack tells you that and I don’t see them changing it.

LOL at the Dudebro commentator voice. Why not go all in with “sick snipe, brah!”

Not just any team, a TIGER TEAM.

Bethesda deserves to be ridiculed for this. It’s fucking retarded.

I like how the video never shows the missile actual deploy its wings and fly. Given the noted reliability of Russian weapon systems I assume it just lawn darted after being dropped from it’s B1-B Lancer clone.

Jesus. Lay off the photoshop...

Wow. I’ve not read any SW books since the Zhan stuff way back. Damn.

I do know someone who ONLY reads SW books. So sad.

Well crap, why not time travel too? That’s a solid crutch for writers.

Or how about SOMETHING NEW and not fan service?

Now playing

And I’d watch this with my younger siblings after school.

Now playing

80s peak awesome. Dunno if this was something else in japan, but it aired Saturday mornings on ABC, IIRC.

One is a household name. The other is some dude that makes shitty live action kids shows that nobody outside the nerd-o-verse has heard of.

“ground pound”

You mean Fist of Havoc Lite?

Yes...looking at my Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS setup I laugh at the folks whining about this controller.

Cry as someone who gives a shit.

Then don’t play those games. Vote with your wallet. Done.

They obviously didn’t press “1,2,3,4,5” fast enough.

Accounts found to be in violation may be actioned appropriately. “

“actioned” is not a fucking word. You got an email from a PMTard.