
Smoker? I did IT crap in my youth and in my youth people smoked at work. Repairing OG IBM PCs tortured by accounts receivable hags in their all day chain smoking paper pushing pits of despair taught me that cigarettes + computers == fuck this job I quit.

So, from the designer of the original Xbox controller then...

110? When? At 3am? LOL.

LOL. A myth eh? I’ve done the TGV, the Shinkansen and the ICE.

I know, anywhere outside US AMERIDERP is “a myth.”

For a journalist you sure have trouble with the English. So I’ll translate.

“Anoat sector (home to locations like Hoth and Bespin). ... a blockade around the entire star system” whole star system. Or is this more fuzzy Abrams “I can see Vulcan from Ceti-Alpha” bullshit?

LOL. That guy doing the voice-over for Agents of Shield wants to be Don LaFontaine SO BAD. Unfortunately...

In a world where Don LaFontaine is dead, one man can never hope to replace him and must resign himself to being a poseur until the end of time.

Not if they’re fake....

With the suits 100% in control now it’s going to be a shit show. Avengers was the peak. “Notes” from the studio dragged down AoU.

Everything going forward will be a slide into WB/DC mediocrity.

Um. Chances are he can’t get a license due to the chance of having a seizure while driving. Which would be bad.

Still, his experience sucks.

There was an epic reddit dump from some bungie insider spilling the dirt on the last minute exodus of their story guy and a massive re-strcuture of the lore and story.

Presto: DLC pack bonanza and a poorly delivered and confused story.

Dead on. They could get James Earl Jones, Patrick Stewart AND Ian McKellen to read the dialog and it would still suck. Although having ghost with multiple personalities and those three voices would be funny. Just let those guys ad-lib.

“those are extreme tactics”

Dead enders. They’re all a flutter because Whitey McWhitey no longer commands the USS Honkyton and it’s crew of manly dudebros who bang hot chicks and blast alien scum while high-fiving and playing beach volleyball.

Their position is so sad given the dominance of Orson Scott Card, Larry Niven, Heinlein, etc over the

That’s chart’s a bit misleading since SS and Medicare/caid are paid for by specific taxes and not out of the general fund you cannot use the money there elsewhere. Although, since the 80s any surplus in SS tax revenues have been dumped into the general fund and replaced with bonds in order to mask the deficit. SS is

Whaaaa? No John Dykstra?

I get where the MIT guys are coming from but the one assumption they make that I disagree with is that spare parts needs scale linearly with population.

That explains it then. Thanks!