
Indeed, nowhere in the novels does it seem like magic. It's a "lost heritage" thing, but never magic.

Fuck TG in any form. 5th Gear still talks about actual cars that normal people would drive and do so in a fun manner. Car boat? Fuck that. Rocket Robin? Double fuck that.

Plus, Clarkson is a complete tool.

Hear hear. It's the "Boost Whole Foods Bottom Line Act of 2013" because that's all it'll do. By scaring the science impaired yuppies out there.

Waht? No real science backing the outlandish claims? <queue stoner hippie voice> IT'S ALL PART OF THE CONSPIRACY, MAN!"

Pay2Win always sucks.

This is included in the laserdisc ultimate non special edition.

Darth Cashcow McHorseflogger von Bloodfromrocks.

Yep. Vaccines. Done.

That doesn't like like a Li-ion fire.... did someone short TSLA?

But before any of it is done he dies from oldness while blogging about the NFL or hanging out on the set...

Got one of these. Meh. The 2.1a port charges slower than the 1.0a port. On my Nexus 10 it cannot keep up on the "2.1a" port. The "1.0A" port can.

"Putting satellites into orbit is no easy task, especially with the demise of the Space Shuttle program."

ROFL. Grad student from the University of Bullshit, Superstition and Woooo. This will be up on WND any moment now.

Next up, how to use math to detect witchcraft and cure aids by raping a virgin (with math).

The notes about the A-10 are spot on. The thought that this delicate flower of an aircraft can fill the close air support role of the A-10, which was purpose built to do that job, is absurd.

The A-10 was built from the go to do one job which it does very well. There's a reason they are still in service and have gone

Having vut my teeth on the C64 Elite I really want this to be real.

As to Star Citizen... not too hyped about that. More WW2 in space from what's his name.

500 mph? LOL. Not on final it doesn't. There's a reason they land at night with the lights off where it's likely to be shot at.

"unique architecture" is just another way to say "shitty dev tools and convoluted API.

MS has been building dev tools since the 1970 when Sony was making Trinitron TVs and cassette players.

Anyway, all that matters is the games. And I like what I see on both.

Does anyone listen to songs on the radio?


It was abandoned due to the ugly.

A) this is sad and I hope this is resolved so this guy can see his son.

Yep. Cards got his money. Using his bigoted stances on issues is just an excuse to be a cheap bastard.