
YEAH! Because TOS and TNG was so hard core HARD SF METAL! RWAAAARRRRRRRRR!

Back in the dark ages of the undergrad times we watched this in our film for newbs class. It is a great film.

ohmygod! ohmygod! ohmygod! Can I have your autograph LITERAL MAN?!?!?!

The House of Representatives is only one half of congress. Any crazy shit has to get past The Senate and the Executive branch.

Copy editor you need...

Oh come on, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

Translation: internet rumor says folks with piles of money are backing old space insiders to use new space tech (IE: SpaceX hardware) to go to the moon and mine moon cheese.

They were talking trash on twitter about how bad ass they were and how they were going to make Syria pay. You know, from the comfort of their moms basement.

Since we're all pie in the sky:

This article was obviously written by Siri. There is no other way to explain how it could be so full of fail.

"You want to spend that money on a nice hotel, apartment or restaurant. You don't want to piss it all away at the airport or on the airline."

So. 90 minutes from ambulance to trauma center? How is that good? Is the ambulance pulled by horses or something?

The deal was the right wing basket cases and their incessant ad hominem attacks on Silver. In the end he (and PPP) were the most accurate despite all the folks and their "gut feelings" and "unskewing." In the end solid methodology and statistical ninjary won out.

A valiant effort. Yet futile.

Yay. Now you can play what MSFT wants to to play in the paywall ecosystem.

It's just a cache, man. Relax. Nobody's telling you how to do anything.

But give Andrew credit: he did a admirable job trying to sound all tacticool in the intro. That's some pretty decent milspec jargon density up there.

Meteorites that hit stuff are actually worth more. Assemble a package of the rock, the portion of roof material is damaged and sell it as a package. Collectors love that stuff.

You win the internet for today, sir...

Well, then independent shops should not install explosive confetti dispensers in place of airbags. Problem solved.