
It looks pretty but reeks (visually) of the form over function stupidity of the weak-sauce wing commander movie.

No amount of glitter will change the fact that LG devices suck and having one as a Nexus is a bad idea.

Ever been to the North Sea? There's a reason wind power is so popular in the region.

Well, if folks need their rapey they can always read some Terry Goodkind.

"Firing against both ships would be a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions."

Yep. The whole tax as a motivator only works when those being motivated can afford to move to a new vehicle.

I had three Amigas. They didn't sell because Commodore was run by old biz retards who cut R&D to bolster the bottom line and allowed their hardware to be surpassed by commodity solutions.

All I know is that there had better be an awesome South Park riff on this.

THIS. I don'rt give a rat ass about the politics or the hypocrisy of various parties.

Whut? LOL. That's not how bonds work.

Well, if it's legit cue MSFT horror your life is ruined legal squad in 3...2...1...

And when your free speech or political views are redefined as terrorism? Fool.

How will re-supply be handled? It would be some time before such a colony would be self sufficient. Would supplies be deployed ahead of human arrival? The habitats seem quite small. And with only four people per two years going, this seems doomed if anyone gets even remotely ill or hurt. One broken limb and things

"suit of liquid oxygen"

LOL. That is not a modern plane. At all.

So much fail in this article.

"Or rather, the common man with half a million dollars to spare, "

Glad you beat me to it. Too many web "journalists" get their "news" from Jay Leno's old shows. Kinda sad, really.

These vests have nothing to do with how high or fast the aircraft is going. They are purely for mitigating the effects of g forces encountered while maneuvering.

Audio out of sync on this ...yay...