
"Their guns can be run over, dumped in sand, and still fired."

The minute you try some 'tard will scream about "religious freedom" is my guess. That's what they do when you don't let them use their god woo to hurt people.

So they now use airplanes like msft was using years ago...when Google hat bought out all the satellite imagery.

There are no alternatives to the theory of evolution in science. There is no "controversy" to teach. The theory has stood up to assault for 150 years and every passing year adds more data, more observation to back it.


There's a reason all the Korean teriyaki joints are closed on Sunday.

How dare you point out such things! Fanbois must rage in the information vacuum or they look silly! Silly I say! GOOD DAY SIR! GOOD DAY!

Don't care. Why can't Israel buy their own damn radar? Their spies probably already have the plans.

Sir, do you happen to be carrying large sums of cash?

Welcome to the "free-est nation on earth."

That is some serious weaksauce anime inspired CG dreck right there.

LOL. No. The crazy array of quantum mirror widgets has even made an appearance in SF.

Yes, but the energy involved would have been much higher.

Exactly. And Shilling has gone on and on about the evils of government meddling in private enterprise. IE: the usual right leaning rant about "socialism" all the while sucking down tons of taxpayer cash for his venture.

The reason the rest of NATO and our other allies can blow money on great things like universal health care is because they hide behind our skirts/kilts/manparts.

Then they go and Starcraft to death.

Most tech companies let folks work 24/7 if hey want. If he had a valid card-key, no biggie.

She's not just a Mil SF writer. FWIW.

It could be just noises people don't grok. Acoustics in cities can be weird. I've been in Seattle (Hi neighbor!) and heard what sounded like the end of the fucking world, but it was obviously a jet, somewhere. But the sound level was astounding for something that could not be seen.

OMG! Not the "UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock!"